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Slash's pov:

I ended up getting pretty drunk,I experimented with even more recreational drugs with some of my old friends including Izzy,who despite everything I did to him had become one of my best friends again.

Ever since I left the band the press had been chasing me and magazines were spiralling rumours that just weren't true,part of it was Axl,part of it was Duff,a big part was Gilby but the biggest part as to why I left was Ana.

"Hey Slasher."Dave Mustaine said approaching me at the bar in a random club in down town La.

"Dave."I smiled sipping my beer.

"sorry about Guns,I never thought that would work out."Dave said nudging me as he sat down.

"I thought it would.."I shrugged.

"I heard you broke up with that chick...she was hot right?"He slurred he was drunk but no surprises there.

"I did and she was...still is."I smirked.

"what happened?"Dave asked leaning against the bar.

"You haven't watched MTV?"I asked referring to my drunk interview about her.

"no f*ck that,all they care about is grunge...I wanna bring rock back,I need a new guitarist,you ever thought about joining me?"Dave offered.

"Megadeth?"I asked almost too stunned to speak.

"yeahhh..why not?"Dave said. "you can play rhythm behind me,I'm still lead."Dave said with the catch as I figured he would say something like that.

"I'm not really a rhythm player.."I said as he looked a bit confused.

"well let me know,I'm in La for a couple more days,call me."Dave said getting up as he tapped my shoulder before he left,leaving me alone in my thoughts.

I decided against joining Megadeth as soon as he suggested I play rhythm it was a no.It was a great opportunity and I felt honoured but I wanted to start my own band,be in charge for once,actually have a say in what was going on.I had all these ideas flowing through my head and I wanted to write more songs,more songs I could call my own.

"Slash?"a familiar voice called out,it was Duff.

"hey Duff."I said offering him the seat next to me.

"you here alone?"Duff asked as he sat down.

"I was with a couple friends but they've probably gone to chase after some poor girls in the dance floor."I laughed under my breath.

"you not chasing after any girls?"Duff asked pushing the boundary a little.

'yeah only you're sister' Is what I said in my head and what I wanted to say but I valued my life so I just shook my head with a friendly smile as I could only hope he hadn't seen my interview about her.

"Guns is over."Duff sighed as the bartender walked over and he ordered a drink while I took a moment to comprehend.

"Like over over?"I asked as Duff nodded.

"completely,I sat down with Axl today,and there was just no point.Axl has a daughter,I'm having a daughter,Matt quit and Gilby is too busy chasing after my sister."Duff sighed.

"I'm gonna tell you this..not because I hate Gilby but because I care about your sister like you do."I said as I saw Duffs whole made tense up. "Gilby got Yvonne pregnant,he left her and she's about to have his baby."I blurted out as Duff looked shocked but as if he was expecting it.

"Yvonne?As in your ex girlfriend Yvonne?"Duff asked his jaw wide open.

"yeah.."I said waiting for his reaction.

"when did this happen?"Duff asked sipping his beer.

"I don't know.."I sighed and I lied I knew exactly when it happened but the same night I was banging his sister so I thought I would be considerate and leave that detail out.

"I thought that baby was yours?"Duff said.

"me too,so did she but she got a paternity test and reached out to me."I said as Duff ran his fingers through his hair.

"f*ck...does Ana know?"He asked.

"I haven't told her,I doubt Gilby mentioned anything.She wouldn't be with him if she knew."I said as Duff agreed.

"she wouldn't,I can't believe it..but then again I kinda can,d'ya know Gilby used to sell drugs?"Duff asked.

"Ana may of mentioned it."I said hitting a slight nerve.

"yeah..I think he got her into cocaine and I think he's the one that got her back into it.."Duff said putting all the pieces together. "f*ck!Slash I'm so sorry."Duff said as if he was having a crisis.

"about??"I asked.

"Everything,you understand where I was coming from right?I thought it was you that was f*cking her up,I just want Ana to be happy,she's been popping pills since she was 15 and ever since I just want to protect her."He sighed.

"I want to protect her too,I can't help it."I admitted.

"I get it now,I just wish you would've told me sooner about this,I'm gonna f*cking kill Gilby."He mumbled. "Im sorry."He repeated.

"you should apologise to Ana not me."I said.

"why?"Duff asked cluelessly.

"All she cares about is what you think,she might not act like it but she acts out to get your attention and when you didn't show up to the hospital after she flat-line..she blamed me,I felt so guilty that I couldn't convince you to come see her,She was so upset and begged me to get you."I said as Duff looked guilty as ever.

"I haven't seen her since,I just have a habit of running,nobody wants to see their sister like that."He sighed again heavily. "thanks for taking care of her..I should've been there,I know you care about her,I don't forgive you for having an affair with her for a year behind my back and I probably won't forgive you if you try it again but I appreciate you're concern...and I'm glad you told me."Duff confessed as the harsh reality slapped me in the face,he would never be happy with Ana and I being together.I wasn't a very forgiving person and I obviously blamed the break up on him but there was nothing I could do.

Duff finished off his drink for courage. "I better go find my sister, get her away from clarke."He said getting up. "And go figure out what I'm gonna do with the rest of my life."He laughed ironically now that Guns was over.

"I'm starting a band."I blurted out as the idea just poured out my mouth as Duff tilted his head at me. "do you wanna join?"I offered as Duff looked partial to it.

"I might just take you up on that,I'll see you tomorrow."Duff said as he began walking away from the bad.

"Tomorrow??"I yelled.

"the premiere!"Duff yelled back.What an awkward trip that was gonna be.

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