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Anastasia's pov:

"you wanna get married?" Slash asked,a sense of vulnerability in his voice with that familiar smirk on his face.

"right now?"I laughed tilting my head at him as he faced me.

"why the f*ck not?"He shrugged arguing a valid point,I had a ring already on my finger,I'd never been into the classic weddings and there is no time like the present.All these thoughts were flowing through my head.I would probably never in my whole life get to be 23,engaged to a rockstar,on tour with a rock band and have the chance to elope in Milan.I didn't want to live a boring life,I wanted to do what I wanted to do,and my god I wanted to do it with him as I grabbed Slash's hand.

"let's go find ourselves a priest."I smirked as the sky above us began to turn brighter,I had a photoshoot and Guns had a show but I was willing to worry about those consequences later,when I wasn't drunk or on ecstacy or whatever awful drugs that weren't coke that Milan had to offer.

We ran around the streets of Milan looking for a church in desperation,Slash attempted to yell gibberish in and Italian accent attempting to ask the locals for the nearest church as one just pointed behind us as our eyes lit up as Id never ran so fast over to the church as the Italian priest looked horrified.It was imaginable considering the state we were in after running around all night,and Milan wasn't like Vegas you couldn't just wear a wedding dress they had and get married so we pleaded with the priest to marry us

"I need paperwork and I can't just allow you to marry right now there are other things happening ."the priest refused in pretty good English as Slash groaned out of frustration.

"what about...now?"Slash said pausing between as he tapped his pockets feeling around as he pulled hundreds of dollar bills out of his pocket offering them to the priest who furrowed his eyebrows snatching the money.

"very well,however you need a witness."He shrugged.

"f*ck!"Slash muttered as I looked around.

"I've got us a witness."I smirked as I spotted the bodyguard, Earl in the distance panicking that he couldn't find us."Earl!"I shouted as he turned to me with a sense of relief washed over his face,then a look of confusion.

"Anastasia what the f*ck are you doing?"Slash muttered.

"just trust me."I smiled.

"I don't."Slash added as I rolled my eyes.

"Well he's our way of getting married take it or leave it."I said turning to him as he sighed

"are you sure we can trust him?"Slash whispered.

"I hope so."I smiled as Earl approached

"Miss McKagan are you okay?"Earl asked approaching.

"yes except I don't want to be Miss McKagan anymore!Earl,I need you to do me a tiny little favour."I said smiling as he looked scared.

"Unfortunately you need another witness."The priest said as all this effort was just more fuel for me to go through with this.I didn't like being told no,I didn't like not being able to do what I want,I was determined to get married.

"I'll be right back."I said as I ran off to the nearest bar and begged to use the phone.I diales the hotel we were staying at only hoping that he was awake,or even alive.I asked the front desk to forward me to Steven's room as I waited impatiently for him to pick up.

"Steven!"I yelled down the phone.

"who the f*ck is this?"A female voice called out in a thick accent as I almost felt embarrassed.

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