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Anastasia's pov:

I'd spent the weekend with my brother,Su,my niece,Grace and my dad until he flew home the morning I was meant to go to rehab.I opted to pause going to rehab for the day as I wanted to help Su and Duff move into their new house.They had about a thousand people carrying furniture into there huge new mansion and Su was directing everyone around getting stressed standing in the middle of the entryway that looked more like a hotel lobby.

"here let me take her."I said grabbing Grace out of her hands.

"thanks Ana."Su said quickly before going straight back to yelling at the delivery moving guys. "That doesn't go there!"

"You sure you don't want me to take you to rehab now?It's probably nicer there than it is currently here."Duff laughed.

"no it's fine,I can go later once you're all settled in,I am meant to be meeting Steven and Erin for dinner with Pam soon though,Do you not want to come?"I offered.

"no we're probably gonna order takeout..would you mind taking Grace with you?It's hard having a newborn around when you're trying to move into a massive house."Duff asked.

"of course,I'm sure Eden will be with Erin anyway,I don't mind Grace at all she's a quiet baby."I said sweetly. "I'll grab her stuff and then I'll go."I said as Duff waved me off.

"Here's to Anas last night of freedom!"Steven said as we clinked wine glasses and he clinked his beer bottle with Erin,Pam and I over at the fancy restaurant,well the fanciest one on the sunset strip that allowed toddlers and babies.

"Where's Annie going?"Eden panicked.

"hell."Steven mumbled.

"Steven!Don't say hell!"Erin scolded him.

"sorry not hell,Mexico."Steven uttered.

"oh my god."Pam said face palming.

"She doesn't know what Mexico is."Erin groaned.

"how do you not know what Mexico is?"Steven scoffed looking at Eden who just stared back blankly.

"This is why Steven isn't allowed to babysit..ever."Erin said to Pam.

"Well Anastasia is!So I should be."He groaned.

"You can't even look after yourself."Erin said harshly but it was truthful.

"I'm gonna be so lonely,what if we get burgled?"Steven panicked coming to the sudden realisation that I was leaving tonight.

"Remember when you thought Pam was a burglar?"I reminded them as I laughed and Pam blushed awkwardly.

"oh god don't remind me."she said burying her head into her arm.

"If I remeber correctly you had sex in my bed,Pamela!"Steven said angrily as Erin and I burst out into laughter.

"didn't you break Slash's guitar Steven?"Erin said as Steven looked over at me.I must've reacted a little strangely to him being brought up.I had been so happy and distracted these past few days I forgot about Slash.

"I'll be right back."Steven said excusing himself.

"I'm sorry Stas.."Erin said making eye contact with me across the table.

"It's fine..I have a whole month to get over it."I said with a smirk.

"I can't wait to party with you guys again!I missed it."Pam said swiftly changing the subject.

"Duff is throwing me a party when we get back,you can all come."I smiled.

"Hey Ana,what time do you go to rehab?"Steven asked me casually peering his head round the corner with a phone to his ear.

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