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Slash's pov:

Ana didn't have a car and refused to help us anyway since she was with Erin as we hear jangling behind us as Duff and I turned to Steven.

"I can drive us."He said holding up the keys to his mom's car.

"you've had the car parked here this whole time we've been begging my sister to come get us."Duff scoffed as Steven threw the keys at him as he caught them. "I guess I'm driving?"Duff said.

"I'm gonna take a nap in the back,that was long."Adler groaned as Suff turned the key in the door opening it up.We drove down East La through the sunset strip with not much idea where we were going.It was quiet except the breeze that came through the windows.

"I thought Gilby was your friend?"I said looking over at Duff next to me who had one hand on the wheel one hand lighter a cigarette pursed between his lips.

"he was,until he started obsessing over my sister,she told me he creeps her out."He shrugged blowing the smoke out his cheek as he offered the cigarette to me as I took it willingly and took a drag. "And he called Su Mandy which I thought was kinda strange,he just appeared out of nowhere,I hadn't spoke to the guy in years and he randomly bumps into Ana in La..the worlds small but not that small."Duff pointed out as I puffed the smoke out the window wafting it away from my nostrils as I pushed my sunglasses further up the bridge of my nose. "you hate him too?"Duff asked looking over.

"sure,Gilby's an ass.He's like a stalker..and he tried to take Izzy's part..I don't know I just find him weird."I fumbled.

"I'm glad I'm not the only one who found him weird,I don't think he could ever be like Izzy..I don't know what the f*ck Axl's problem is."Duff scoffed.

"he's been sleeping in the studio and acting like more and more of a control freak,he's gone really weird about drugs especially with Adler and Izzy."I sighed. "He strays away from Erin and Eden all the time now I don't get his problem."I sighed.

"he better sort his act out otherwise this tour isn't going to last long at all."Duff smirked until it fades into more a frown as I glanced at him. "You think you'd ever leave the band?"Duff asked completely calmly.

"I've been in a sh*t ton of bands,this is the only one that's actually worked out for me so I guess not."I admitted.

"Axl tell you Izzy was debating about leaving?"Duff said glancing at me.

"seriously?"I scoffed.

"yep."Duff nodded sucking his teeth.

"he told you?"I asked.

"God no,I overheard him with Niven.I just guessed that was the reason he was being an ass..well more of an ass than usual."Duff chuckled as I laughed with him.The rest of the drive was Duff and I just reminiscing and making up all the things we'd do after the tour,obviously all the things I wanted to do I didn't say because I really just wanted to f*ck his sister but I left that part out for his sake.


Anastasia's pov:

"now I get why Slash hates him,this is why I go for lead singers not guitarists."Erin smirked as she soon perked up as I helped push the stroller down fifth avenue towards her house.

"well your lead singer isn't exactly perfect."I reminded her as she frowned.

"yeah f*ck him to be honest..but he's kinda like the father to my child?"Erin said confused.

"nah I say f*ck him."I said agreeing with her as she nodded.

"If he ever decides to actually come home..he's in the doghouse."Erin nodded.

"I'm proud of you Erin,you're so strong."I complimented her.

"I just hope my parents feel the same,I'm not sure if Axl will come around in time to come back to my folks place this Christmas but I just hope they won't shame me or anything for having a baby this young."she worried.

"You're an adult,you love Axl and he loves you although he may not act like it right now,he wouldn't have married you if he didn't love you."I reassured her,genuinely questioning if what I was saying was true or complete bullsh*t.

"what are you doing this Christmas Ana?"Erin asked looking at her side to me.

"I'm not sure,Deanna Adler invited me over to her place with Steven?Im sure as hell not going to my parents place."I said.

"Isn't Slash going home for Christmas?"Erin asked.

"I'm not sure,he hasn't mentioned anything..oh god you think he doesn't want me to come?"I said.

"I didn't mean it like that,I just thought him and popcorn lived close to each other,I thought he'd get mad if you went with Adler?"Erin said trying to calm me down.

"maybe,but it makes perfect sense why he wouldn't want me to go,when I saw his mom at your wedding she was pretty hostile,I'm not sure on his brother either."I said.

"It's nothing to panic over really,I just wondered,you're always welcome to come with me and Eden,I could do with the help."Erin offered.

"yeah..sure."I smiled as Erin rested her head on my shoulder,she was truly my best friend.

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