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Anastasia's Pov:

"What the f*ck is happening."Erin panicked as I attempted to open the door as I banged on it even kicking it out frustration.

"my f*cking brothers in there!"I said freaking out as I scoured for something anything to break the door as my eyes landed on a chair from Axls room opposite Duffs as I grabbed it and slammed it against the door with all my strength. "Help me!"I begged Erin as we slowly broke the door down until there was a hole.I stuck my head through as I saw Duff passed out on the floor as I stuck my hand through and unlocked the door barging through as I ran sliding on the floor next to my brother. "Duff?Duff?!"I panicked slapping his cheeks everything.

"He's knocked out cold Ana"Erin said checking his pulse.

"Go get Slash,Steven,Alan..anyone please Erin just hurry!"I pleaded as she sprinted off screaming for help as I balled my eyes out As i elevated his head onto my lap as my tears dropped onto his face.

"Please wake up Duff!I need please"I whispered cradling him as he gave no response at all,it was like he was dead as I screamed.

"Ana!"Slash said sliding through the door as he ran over.

"Help me Slash!Please help my brother where'd everyone else?"I pleaded as I looked around as Slash grabbed Duff.

"The cops are here Ana,we can't be seen back here,they've arrested Axl we need to go."Slash panicked as he picked up Duff as we ran out looping around backstage.

"Hey!"A cop called out as he began chasing us as I ran ahead as Slash ran behind carrying my brother.

"Out there baby!Ana there!"Slash panicked directing me to the fire exit door as he ran through and I barely made it through the door before the cop leaped out to grab me as I slammed the door shut on him as banging on the other side almost knocked me over as I followed Slash as he ran over to Alan as he screamed for help.Everyone's faces were horrified,as Slash carried him onto the bus setting him down as Alan shouted at Duff,trying to wake him up.

"The ambulance is here!"Kirk shouted onto the bus as the rest of the member of Metallica rushed to help carry Duff out to the Paramedics that panicked as they placed him on a stretcher and attended to him straight away as they dragged him away as I chased them.

"No!Duff!"I screamed as I began hysterically crying as they slammed the ambulance doors shut and began to drive away. "I need to go to the hospital!"I panicked grabbing a hold of Slash's collar as I cried falling to the ground.

"let's go come on."Slash said picking me up as we rushed onto the bus as I sobbed into his shoulder.

"We'll meet you there right after I've sorted out Axl and the cops"Alan said as Slash nodded back to him as the bus drove us all the way to the nearest hospital there was,the drive seemed to last forever,I just wanted Duff,I didn't care about anything that had happened before I just needed to know he was okay.

"we're here come on"Slash whispered as I climbed off his lap and sprinted off the bus as Slash thanked the driver and chased after me as I ran to the front desk.

"Hi,how can I help you"the receptionist smiled

"my brother was just brought here in an ambulance."I stuttered.

"name of the patient?"She said.

"Duff."i said as she typed in her computer.

"we don't have anyone under that name in our system im sorry-"She began as I shook my head

"No his uh real name Michael..Andrew McKagan "I said cutting her off as she typed it in.

"ah yes,he's currently in operating but no visitors at all right now"The receptionist informed me.

"Is he okay?"I asked as Slash wrapped his hands around me.

"I really don't know honey,it says here it's from over drinking,he was unconscious when the ambulance arrived and now there operating on him."She sighed.

"When can I see him?"I said hopeful.

"Not for a while,Relation to the patient?"She asked.

"He's my brother,I'm Ana McKagan"I nodded as the receptionist.

"Immediate family are welcome to visit as soon as operating is finished,then the doctors can explain the condition better to you but it will be quite a while until that's over"She said squinting at the computer screen as she pushed up her glasses on her nose.

"I'll wait!"I insisted.

"Over there"she directed me as Slash followed me to the waiting area.

"He's gonna be okay."he whispered attempting to comfort me.

"you don't know that."I sniffled.

"It's Duff he's the strongest guy I know."Slash said as I looked at him in the bright hospital lights his face was cut and his lip was bleeding.

"Oh my god Slash you're bleeding."I said holding his face.

"That's what happens when you try and fight a six foot security guard"He smirked.

"While we're here you need to get someone to help"I said worried.

"I'll be fine,let's worry about Duff for now"Slash smiled as I buried my head in his lap as I felt my eyes get heavy.

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