[183] The rain of fire

Start from the beginning

When I neared his shoulder, I leapt into the air, channeling my energy into one swift movement. With a somersault, I landed on the back of his neck, a hand planted firmly on his horn for balance.

From this vantage point, I could see the vast battlefield stretched out before me, the clash of armies a blur of movement and color. I took in the sight briefly, steeling myself for the challenge that still awaited. Turning my attention towards the demon king's massive head, I tightened my grip on the hilt of my sword and prepared for the next phase of my assault.

Gritting my teeth, I sprung from the demon king's shoulder, pushing off the tough hide with all my strength. Time seemed to stretch and elongate as I flew through the air, the demon king's furious roars echoing in my ears.

Drawing my blade, I wrapped my golden aura around it, transforming it into a glowing beacon of light. I was a shooting star against the backdrop of the chaos below. My heart pounded in my chest, but my resolve was unyielding. I knew what I had to do.

As I descended, my target came into sight: the demon king's eyes, two massive orbs of boiling hatred. My trajectory was perfect, my aim true. With a battle cry ripping from my throat, I drove my sword forward, each eye a bullseye that could not be missed.

The impact was immediate. My blade cut through his eyes like hot knives through butter, releasing an explosion of foul demonic energy that painted the air in chilling hues of black and purple. The demon king roared, thrashing his head back and forth in pain as darkness oozed from his ruined eyes.

Using the recoil, I kicked off his face, propelling myself high into the air above the demon king. My golden aura flared brighter, a stark contrast to the dark tendrils of demonic energy still swirling around the demon king.

For a moment, everything was silent. I hung in the air, gazing down at the thrashing demon king, feeling a surge of adrenaline coursing through my veins. The feeling was intoxicating, but the battle was far from over. I still had a long way to go before I could claim victory.

With a bellow of fury that echoed across the battlefield, the demon king threw his head back and extended his massive arms towards the crimson skies. The ground shuddered beneath him, as though the very earth was trembling in fear. His roar rippled across the cosmos, a primal invocation that shattered the serenity of the heavens above.

In response, the sky darkened ominously, turning from an unsettling red to an inky black. A low rumble filled the air as clouds began to swirl and gather in a vortex of brewing chaos directly above him. And then, without warning, the first meteor ripped through the sky.

It descended like a fiery tear, carving a trail of destruction as it tore through the clouds and plummeted towards the earth. As it struck, it unleashed a cataclysmic explosion, sending shockwaves rippling outwards and incinerating everything in its path. The very earth itself seemed to crumble under the destructive force, forming massive craters where once had stood lines of warriors.

And then came the second, and the third, each meteor adding to the apocalyptic landscape, a rain of fire and death that consumed both friend and foe indiscriminately. Soldiers on both sides looked on in horror and despair as the battlefield was decimated under the relentless celestial assault.

The demon king's laughter echoed eerily amidst the chaotic noise, his silhouette stark against the burning devastation around him. His rage had turned the battlefield into a hellish landscape, a fiery testament to the terrifying power of the demon king.

As the final, sixth meteor plummeted down and made impact, it seemed as if time itself stood still. The battlefield, once filled with the clamor of clashing steel and battle cries, was eerily silent now. A thick cloud of dust hung heavily over the war-torn landscape, choking the air with its suffocating grip. The shockwaves from the impacts had sent warriors, tents, and debris flying, scattering them like broken toys across the field.

Craters that could easily engulf entire regiments littered the battlefield, their edges smoldering and the insides glowing with an ethereal, otherworldly light. The earth, scorched and scarred, was no longer distinguishable from the charred remains of both friend and foe. The once lush, green field had been transformed into a desolate, hellish landscape reminiscent of a catastrophic asteroid collision.

Armors that were once gleaming were now bent, scorched, and twisted. Weapons were scattered haphazardly, half-buried in the earth or laying beside their fallen owners. What was left of the demonic and united forces were in tatters, their formations ripped apart and ranks decimated by the indiscriminate rain of meteors.

The air was heavy with a mixture of the metallic tang of blood and the acrid stench of burning flesh and wood. Billowing columns of smoke twisted and curled upwards, painting a grim and desolate picture against the crimson backdrop of the sky.

All around, the few remaining soldiers, both demon and allied, stood in a state of shock, staring at the devastation before them. The scale of the destruction was staggering, a harsh reminder of the terrible might of the demon king. It was a scene straight out of a nightmare, a chilling testament to the utter devastation that had descended upon them.

This isn't over...

Q: Have you played Diablo III before?

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