Chapter 68: Their Help (Joseph's PoV)

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I stood there, as I seemed to stare down at the city, all at once. As no one seemed to have a single clue as to just what it was that was going on. As it was that I saw that they all had their eyes on their king of course.
As it was that King Amenhotep did in fact seem to walk down the steps. As it was that he seemed to stop him self half way down. As he then did in fact just seem to go and stare down at every one, all at once.
As it was that he had in fact done as such a thing like that. That was when it was that I also just seemed to go right on ahead. And I then began to start to go and hear him speak up to every one, at that.
"I need every one to stay calm, and to stay quiet... Let me speak and let me explain before any one says any thing... This is very important..." He did in fact just seem to say in his own language, at that.
As my eyes were wide, as I had not a single clue what he said. But what ever it was that he had in fact said, none the less. It was clear that the people did in fact seem to take it serous at the very least.
As no one seemed to say any thing at all in response, at that. As it was that I just then did in fact notice that most of them had their eyes wide. As I just then did in fact seem to speak out loud my self.
"It's amazing how he can just get every one to stay quiet and hush... I wish we could do that..." I did in fact just seem to say, at that. As it was that it seemed to be chaos every time that John felt like he had to speak.
I wondered what it was that he must be thinking at this point. As to just how chaotic it must be at their place. As it was that I was sure that Jangra had in fact told them what it was that was going on at this point.
As it was that I just seemed to think on that for a bit longer. That was when it was that I just seemed to hear the voice of Tom. As he had his eyes squinted at me, as he seemed to go and speak right on over to me.
"Will you hush? Let's figure out what is about to happen first..." He did in fact just seem to say. As it was clear that he did in fact not want to assume that this was going to go good.
As it was that I felt like I could not blame him what so ever. As to the fact that he was in fact thinking that kind of way. As it was that I did in fact just seem to blink my eyes a few times, all at once.
Just as it was that I had done as such a thing like that. In the end, I then did in fact just seem to start to dip my head a little bit low to the ground. As it was that I then did in fact also just seem to speak to my self quietly.
"Yeah... Yeah... You're right..." I did in fact just seem to say. Though I made sure that Tom could not hear that. As I knew that he did in fact not want to hear me talk.
I just simply seemed to blink my eyes a few times, all at once. As it was that I just got my mind and my focus off of all of that. As I did my best to try to look for a different train of thought, all at the exact same time too.
How ever, it seemed like I had only made my self empty in side. As I was not all too sure as to just what it was that I was doing. And as to just what it was that I was in fact even thinking right now.
I just seemed to stand there and stare for a little bit more time. As in the end, I then did in fact begin to start to hear the voice of the king. As it was that he then did in fact seem to go and speak up, all at once.
"They have warned us... The dragons are coming back to the city... They are coming back to kill us..." He did in fact just seem to start to say, all at the exact same time too.
As just as it was that he had in fact said as to just what it was that he had even just said. That was when it was that I heard the city erupt. As it was clear that every one was now freaking out and panicking.
As I wondered as to just what it was that he had even said. As it was that my eyes were in fact wide, just as it was that I had thought on that. As it was that I then once again began to start to hear the voice of Tom, at that.
"See... I told you... Did I not?" He did in fact just seem to say to me. As it was that I did in fact almost feel like he was happy with that. Just due to the fact that it was that he was bragging about being right.
How ever, based off of the look that was on his face. It was clear that me that he was in fact quite a bit worried. As it was that I did my best to try to keep my self as calm as I could.
I just seemed to stare right in to the eyes of Tom, all at once. As it was that I then also began to just blink right back on over to him. As it was that I simply did in fact begin to speak on over to him, at that.
"What did he say?" I did in fact just seem to ask Tom, all at once. As it was that Tom almost did in fact not seem to have heard what I had said.
As I just seemed to see that his eyes were wide just now. As it was that he did in fact have his eyes on the king. And the big crowd of scared people that were moving all over the place, all at the exact same time too.
As it was that I seemed to look on over to them all my self. That was when I heard the voice of one lady seem to speak above all else. As I then did in fact just seem to listen as to what she had to say.
"So... These new people come to the city to bring our food, our homes, our hospitality, only to bring dragons?" She did in fact just seem to say. As it was clear that she was in fact not too happy what so ever.
I quickly then did in fact just seem to look away from her. As it was that I did in fact just seem to hear the chants of agreement from the crowd. As it was clear that what ever it was that she had in fact said.
It was obviously not good, as I could tell none the less. That Tom was in fact a little bit afraid at that, all at the exact same time too. As it was that I just then did in fact seem to simply turn my head away from all of it.
Just as it was that I had tried to do as such a thing like that. That was when it was that I then began to hear the voice of the king. As he then seemed to go on ahead and speak to every one, such as he had done before.
"Calm down! It was not their fault for any of this! And we will get through it all... You all just need to listen to what I say and we will be safe..." He did in fact just seem to say, all at the exact same time as well, at that.
As it was that my eyes were in fact wide, all at once. As what ever it was that he had just said. It did in fact seem to calm the crowd down, all at the exact same time as well.
I seemed to feel a whole lot better as it was the case. As it was that I then did in fact just seem to nod to my self at first, at that. As it was that I then just seemed to hear foot steps from right by my side, at that.
I turned my head on over to just who it seemed to be. As it was that I noticed that it was in fact Zoe. As it was that she then did in fact begin to go and start to speak to me.
"So... What is the plan then? What are we going to do about the dragons?" She did in fact just seem to say. As it was that she did in fact just seem to be speaking to both me and Tom, just as she had said that.
How ever, Tom seemed to be in his own sort of world. As it was clear to me that he was paying her no sort of attention at all. As it was that he had his eyes on the king still, just as it was that he had done before.
As it was that I realized that it was in fact the case, all at once. I realized that it was going to have to be me who had to explain things. As I then did in fact just begin to start to go and speak back to her.
"I had to get good sleep last night... I had to go speak to Jangra..." I did in fact just seem to say to her. As it was that I did in fact kind of feel a little bit guilty for that being the case.
As I knew that I had kind of used her to be able to do some thing I had needed, at that. Though, in side, I still knew that I enjoyed it. As it was that I did my best to try to erase those thoughts from my mind either way.
I just seemed to stare with my mind some where else. As it was that Zoe did in fact seem to have her eyes squinted at me. As it was that she then did in fact seem to go and speak back to me in some response.
"Oh... Well that makes more sense now I suppose..." She did in fact just seem to say to me, all at once. As it was that she did in fact realize that I had not meant it to be a sexual thing that we were now doing.
It was clear that she was a bit upset as well as a bit hurt by it. As it was that I did my best to try to keep my self as calm as I felt like I could. As it was that I then did in fact just seem to shake my head a little bit.
Just as it was that I had in fact done as such a thing like that. That was when it was that I also then began to start to go and speak back to her. As she did in fact listen as to just what it was that I had to say to her just now.
"Well... Any ways... I met him in my dream last night... He is going to try to go and get the legion and the dragons to fly to us..." I did in fact just seem to say to her, at that.
As it was that I did in fact just seem to shiver a bit. As to just as it was that I had in fact said to her. As I was still not too sure about any of it what so ever, none the less.
Zoe seemed to stare at me with her eyes wide for just a few moments. She then did in fact begin to start to go and just speak back to me. As I listened as to just what ever it was that she had to say to me right now.
"Oh... What did you talk about? Did you get any thing good done?" She did in fact just seem to say to me. As I saw that her eyes were wide, just as soon as it was that she had in fact said as to just what she had said.
I did my best to keep my self as calm as I felt like I could. As it was that I did in fact just seem to go right on ahead and nod back to her. As I then did in fact also go on ahead and speak to her with out my eyes on her this time.
"Yes... What do you think is going on right now?" I did in fact just seem to say to her. As it was that I did in fact have my eyes on the king, just as it was that it had in fact been just a few moments before now.
As it was that it had in fact seemed to have been the case. In the end, the man then did in fact just seem to speak up loud to the crowd, all at once. As I then did in fact turn my attention on to that, all at once.
"We are going to go in to the pyramids... They were built by a mage long ago... Our people will be safe there until the dragons leave!" He did in fact just seem to say, all at once.
As it was that he did in fact seem to be very serious on what he had said. As it was clear that the rest of the crowd had noticed it. And they, unlike me, had in fact under stood as to just what it was that he had said.
This time the crowd did in fact seem to be much more calm. As I heard a few voices talk to one another for just a few seconds. But those quickly did in fact just seem to die out, when they realized they were the only ones.
I kind of just seemed to calm my self down at that. As it was that I then did in fact just seem to hear the voice of Zoe, all at once. As she then did in fact just seem to start to go and speak back to me, at that.
"How do we know that this is working? Do we even know what we are doing?" She did in fact seem to say. As it was that she did in fact have a very serious look on her face, just as it was that she had said that.
As it was that it had in fact seemed to have been the case. That was when it was that I then did in fact just seem to let out a rough sigh. As it was that I did in fact also seem to look back to Zoe, all at once.
Just as it was that I had in fact began to do as such a thing like that how ever. It did in fact seem like Tom was going on ahead and speaking back to her. As it was that my eyes grew wide, as I did in fact listen as to just what it was that he had to say.
"It is going great... We are taking the people to the pyramids... They will be safe there..." He did in fact just seem to say, all of the sudden. As it was that he did in fact have a serious look on his face, at that.
As though what he had said did not seem to be all too good. It was clear that this was in fact going to work. At least as far as it was that it seemed to feel like for me.
For Zoe how ever, I was not all too sure as to what she was thinking. As I saw that she did in fact have her eyes wide for a few moments. Before it was that she then did in fact begin to go and speak back to Tom.
"That seems like a terrible idea? How will they be able to get out if things do get bad?" She did in fact just seem to say, all at once. As it was that she did in fact have a fairly serious look on her own face, at that.
As it was clear that she had been thinking the same way as we had. When it was that the king had told us we should do that at first. As it was that this time I was much more calm, as I did remember what he had in fact said, at that.
As it was that it did in fact just seem to go and come back to me. In the end, I just then did in fact begin to go right on ahead. And I then began to start to just speak up to her my self, all at the exact same time too.
"The pyramids are like the farm... There is a strong spell that is protecting it, so it will be safe... Hopefully it does not last too long..." I did in fact just seem to say, all at once.
As it was that I seemed to almost say that to my self at the end. As it was that I was not sure as to just how much food they were bringing. As I felt like they were in fact going to need a lot, none the less.
I shook my head, as I got my mind and my focus off of all of that. As I knew that it was in fact not my job what so ever, at that. As it was that I just then did in fact get my eyes back on to Zoe, all at once.
As it was that I once again did in fact just seem to hear her voice. As it was that I did in fact try my best to keep my self calm. As I then did in fact listen as to just what ever it was that she had to say right now.
"Alright... Alright... That is good enough for me I guess... So what is our plan?" She did in fact just seem to say, all at the exact same time too. As it was that she once again did in fact have a serious look on her face.
As it was that she did in fact have a pretty fair point on what she had said. As it was the same sort of thing that I had in fact been thinking on earlier. As it was that I felt like we should be doing some thing to help.
As it was that I had in fact just seemed to have thought on that. That was when it was that I then once again began to hear the voice of the king. As it was that he seemed to go and speak up to the people below.
"Alright... We need to do this calm... We still have time... Gather as much food and water as we can... We need to be able to feed each other... We don't know how long we have til they show up..." He did in fact just seem to say, all at the exact same time too.
Just as it was that he had in fact said that, all at once. I could tell that it did in fact bother a lot of the people. But they still some how managed to stay calm, all at the exact same time as well, none the less.
Just as it was that it had in fact just seemed to have been the case. That was when it was that I then did in fact seem to hear a voice. As it was that some one seemed to go and speak out from the crowd, at that.
"And what is our plan to fight back against these beasts? Are we going to let them destroy our homes and crops again?" The man did in fact just seem to say, all at once.
As it was that I tried to focus on where the voice was coming from. But there was just too much of an echo going all around, at that. As it was that I did in fact just seem to get my mind and my focus off of all of that.
Just as it was that I had seemed to have done as such. That was when it was that I once again seemed to hear the king speak back. As it was that he did in fact reply to the man that had in fact just spoken up.
"Yes... We will have our army protect the area this time... That is where these people come in..." He did in fact just seem to say, all at once. As it was that he just then seemed to turn his head on over to us.
As it was that I did in fact just seem to gulp as he did as such. As it was that he did in fact show his hands right on over to us. As it was clear that he was in fact trying to point us out, all at the exact same time too.
I did my best to try to keep my self as calm as I could. As it was that I was worried that I was going to have to do and say some thing. As it was that I was in fact about ready to go on ahead and step up, at that.
How ever, just before it was that I had the chance to do as such. I saw that Tom was in fact doing so in stead. As it was that he then did in fact seem to go and speak to me and Zoe as he did as such a thing like that.
"You 2 both stay here... I have to go and speak to them... It will be quick..." He did in fact just seem to say. As it was that he had a very serious look on his face as it was that he had just said that to us both.
I just seemed to have my eyes wide for just a few moments. As it was that I felt like I was not all too sure what to say or do back. As it was that it felt like I just simply needed to stay silent for the time being, at that.
As it was that I had in fact just seemed to have stood there and stared. In the end, I then did in fact just seem to see that it was. That Tom then did in fact just seem to go and stand by the side of the king.
As it was that he had in fact done as such a thing like that as well. He also then did in fact just seem to stare down at every one. As it was that he then did in fact go right on ahead and speak back to them all, all at the exact same time as well.
"We have friends coming... Friends that some of you might not like... The red dragons... They are on our side... We need them, and we need their help..."

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