Extra-3 Shi Yi x Yu Zhi Yi

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Extra-3 After Marriage

Shi Yi, Jiang Chi Zhou and several others co-founded an online game company called Yi Zhou.

In the past two years, they have been developing and perfecting an ancient online game called "Chongmengjianghu".

The development of the company has not been smooth sailing. It was difficult to establish in the early stage and there were constant problems in the mid-term. However, everyone in the company worked together and worked hard to overcome the difficult times again and again.

At the most difficult moment, the company's technical staff slept in the company almost every day, and they did not dare to slack off.

Shi Yi, too, stayed in the company from morning to night, never relaxing the whole time, always racing against time.

Yu Zhi Yi was researching a project at school, and told Shi Yi that she would stay for a few days.

Shi Yi kept it a secret on the phone, but she finally found out when she went home quietly that Shi Yi hadn't been home for several days.

She cooked the meals and reheated them again and again, but the man who was supposed to go home by the time did not show up. At first, she thought he was stumbling upon something, so she waited patiently.

Then she called and asked what he was doing?

He only said: "Recently, the company has been working overtime and will come home late."

But in fact, Shi Yi lied to her.

He didn't return all night.

She never thought that Shi Yi would do something bad without telling her, but she was just worried that he was in trouble.

Yu Zhi Yi always asks for leave from her supervisor, and only after visiting the company in person did she find out that the company has been busy with business recently and hasn't had a vacation for a long time.

"Sister-in-law, why are you here?"

The company staff recognized Yu Zhi Yi, and were a little surprised.

Yu Zhi Yi replied: "I want to talk to Shi Yi about something, is it convenient now?"

"It's convenient, brother Yi should be in the technical department now, I'll take you there."

One of his college roommates, with whom he is a little closer.

Taking advantage of this time, Yu Zhi Yi asked about the company's recent situation, "Are you guys busy recently? According to Shi Yi, you have been working overtime."

Xu You replied: "Yes, there is something wrong with the game. Quite busy. Brother Yi and Brother Jiang have shared weal and woe with everyone, and haven't been home for several days."

For several days... he hasn't been home...

So, she told Shi Yi that she was busy with research recently and needed accommodation. Just to provide Shi Yi with a chance to hide?

In a few words, Xu You had already led her to the area of ​​the technical department.

Xu You pointed to the door and said, "Sister-in-law, this is it. Go in by yourself. I still have something to do."

Yu Zhi Yi nodded gently, "Thank you."

"It's okay, I'll go first It's gone."

Xu You waved his hand, turned and left.

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