Chapter 68

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Chapter 68

    Yue Xing sneaks into the spaceship of the perfume factory to deliver the perfume. He turned on the communicator and shared his coordinates with his teammates in real time.

    Although there are guards on this spaceship to protect the safety, but the level is not that high. It is actually not difficult to control this cargo spaceship.

    But the assassination of perfume actually involves the transportation, processing, and transmission of raw materials, and there may be subsequent links such as batch configuration and sales. These links form a whole chain, or have developed into an intertwined network. , is only one of the links, and it will take more time to trace the entire chain, or the entire network.

    Yue Xing first put down the irrelevant guards, and then went to the cargo warehouse of the spaceship. When Yuexing arrived, there was another warehouse keeper who was sleeping, and the small storage robot next to the warehouse keeper was diligently dividing the warehouse.

    "30, 60, 90...1080, the 13th batch."

    "30, 60, 90...810, the 14th batch. Huh, one is missing?"

    The pipeline in the warehouse changed direction with the command of the robot, and it has already The ordered perfumes are divided sequentially. The robot took out a perfume from the small basket beside it and placed it in the place where the perfume was missing.

    Electronic sounds with mechanical texture sounded in the quiet space. The warehouse clerk slept more soundly.

    Yue Xing walked over quietly and tied up the warehouse manager.

    The sudden accident scared the robot next to it and made two "?" marks.


    Yue Xing looked over, "Keep clicking."

    "Oh... 30, 60, 80..." The little robot stood up tremblingly. Out of the corner of its eye, it noticed that person approaching, and made an electronic vibrato.

    Yuexing reached out and broke off its data box. The little robot stopped and was obediently debugged by Yuexing. After a while, the two round light spheres on the display screen disappeared, replaced by information about the warehouses of the goods and the warehouses of each destination.

    really not bad.

    Besides that, there are some valuable data. Yue Xing copied it together, and took away the data box of the little robot.

    Without the data box, the little robot repeated "30, 60..."

    Yuexing got what he wanted, left the warehouse, and went straight to the cockpit.

    After sneaking into the cockpit, he put the knife to the driver's neck and asked if he could land first.

    Can I still say no?

    The pilot dared not speak, and quickly stopped the spacecraft.

    When the spaceship landed, everyone on board could feel it. Yue Xing didn't let the pilot open the door, and even cut off the signal on the spacecraft, preventing the people inside from communicating with the outside world. Immediately someone rushed into the cockpit.

    It was a fat middle-aged man with a round belly, like a small administrator here. He scolded: "What's the matter? How did you drive the spaceship! You drive like a dog..." Then he saw Yue Xing.

    "Ye, Yeying?" The fat man trembled and turned around to run away.

    Yue Xing narrowed his eyes, not everyone knew Ye Ying's clothes.

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