Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

    The recruits are dormant. Jian Lanyi quietly found Teacher Chen Ping.

    When she went to mark, she originally wanted to see if there was a blue halo under Gray Eagle's feet. But during the day, Gray Eagle sleeps standing up. Its talons will be covered under thick feathers, and the cave where the gray eagle lives is relatively dark, so it is impossible to see whether there is a ring at that time.

    Some time ago, I just met a gray eagle with a blue halo, and recently received such a task, it is hard not to make her think too much.

    Yue Xing also came over. It was obvious that they both wanted to go together.

    Jian Lanyi told Teacher Chen Ping about the attack some time ago.

    After listening to Teacher Chen Ping, his expression became more serious.

    He knew that there might be abnormalities in the bodies of these gray eagles, but he didn't know that the gray eagles had rings on their claws, and they might explode when they died.

    Is this batch of gray eagles the same as the one that Jian Lanyi was attacked? In order to ensure safety, they need to check tonight before they can do anything.

    When it was dark and gray eagles started hunting, Teacher Chen Ping adopted a more cautious strategy. He first let the other recruits stay dormant, and he took Jian Lanyi and Yue Xing to one of the marked gray eagles.

    The gray eagle was hunting, and the three of them were lurking in the distance to observe the gray eagle.

    The claws stretched out by the gray eagle are still sharp and shiny, but with the moonlight, it is impossible to see whether there is a blue halo on the claws.

    The three decided to attack together.

    Teacher Chen Ping is good at shooting, and he is responsible for attacking from a distance. Because there was no shelter in mid-air, he was afraid that Gray Eagle would see the shooting cannon trigger a stress reaction, so he took Jian Lanyi's opinion and took out the light crossbow instead of using the shooting cannon.

    The light crossbow is used together with the energy light beads. Once the energy light beads are shot out, they will explode in a small area when they touch objects.

    With Teacher Chen Ping's assistance, Jian Lanyi and Yue Xing are more comfortable dealing with Gray Eagle. Soon, the gray eagle was injured and struggled to fall to the ground. Gray Eagle had the injuries caused by Jian Lanyi and the others, as well as the wounds caused by the fall, so he couldn't survive anymore. Its body heaved up and down as it gasped, and it would lose blood and die after a while.

    The three of them flew down from the sky, observed Gray Eagle's sharp claws in the flying mecha, and found that there was indeed a small ring with a very weak light, not so conspicuous.

    Gray Eagle is dying. Blood trickled from its wound. The small rings on its claws also became brighter and more frequent.

    Chen Ping: "It seems that this small ring detects the heartbeat of the star beast. If the heartbeat becomes weaker and weaker, the gun in the small ring will activate. When Gray Eagle dies, it may be like what happened to you last time." Explosion."

    Teacher Chen Ping said while taking photos. Jian Lanyi and Yuexing are recording a video.

    After a while, Gray Eagle bled to death.

    Sure enough, Xiaohuan exploded with a bang, Gray Eagle's body turned into dry ashes.

    Ever since Jian Lanyi talked about the ring on her claws, Teacher Chen Ping hasn't laughed. It wasn't until he saw Xiaohuan explode with his own eyes that his expression became more relaxed.

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