I'm Excited Now

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Hoseok watches his pregnant mate, his tail swishing side to side in agitation. She's cuddled up into her pregnancy pillow with her head in Jimin's lap as he plays with her hair. He feels himself grow harder in his jeans as she switches between sinful pouts and beautiful bouts of laughter.

Logically he knows he has six other partners to choose from, but he wants her and wants her so bad it hurts. But she has been avoiding intimacy with him and everyone but Jin and Yoongi for a few weeks now. He can't stand being denied her body.

"You ok Hobi?" Namjoon asks lowly, settling next to him on the beanbag. Hoseok tries to pry his eyes off of her, but he can't.

"Joon, can you switch with Y/N tonight?" He doesn't mean to be so blunt, but fuck he feels like he's about to burst just watching her. Namjoon chuckles.

"Sure Hobi!"

When everyone files to bed after their movie, Namjoon kisses him tenderly before intercepting Jin and Y/N, "Hey love, can you and I switch beds for tonight?" She looks taken aback, looking from Jin to Namjoon to him as she clutches her pregnancy pillow. He can't help it, he feels a low growl build in his throat as she nods submissively. He quickly steps up to claim her, guiding her into his room before she has a chance to change her mind.

"What about my pajamas?" She says shyly as he closes the door behind them. He walks right up to her, dropping her pillow to the side, pulling her to him, cradling their babies between them. He's not sure why, but her pregnant belly turns him on.

"You're not going to need them tonight, baby!" Hoseok whispers before he captures her lips in his. She resists and it surprises him.

"Hobi..." She says as she pulls away and he's unsure if it's a warning or she's scolding him. Either way, he feels hurt and rejected.

"You –You don't want to be with me?" He stutters and he can hear the insecurity in his voice. Her eyes are sad and he can tell that she's uncomfortable. As much as it hurts, he never wants to put her in a position that makes her uncomfortable even if it's to fulfill his own needs, "Don't worry honey, we can switch back!" He takes her hand to lead her out of the room, but she doesn't budge.

"Hobi, it's not that I don't want you, it's that I don't know why you want me..." She doesn't look at him and he can see a pink tint to her cheeks. Her comments catches him off guard.

"What do you mean? Of course I want you! Why wouldn't I want you?" He tries leaning to catch her eye, but she won't look at him.

"My body isn't the same, I'm not... pretty right now and the rest of you are, so maybe just wait until after the babies come and—" He can't hear her say anymore so he cuts her off.

"Y/N," He says firmly and she looks at him in surprise. When she blinks a tear is dislodged and rolls down her cheek. He wipes it away with his thumb, "You are pretty right now! You are fucking gorgeous!" He grabs her face so she can't look away, "I love you and changes to your body will never change how I feel."

He takes her hand and puts it on his hard length, "You see what you do to me baby? Earlier I was watching you on the couch and it was enough to get me hard." They both chuckle breathily at his confession. She lightly strokes him and his eyes flutter close briefly before refocusing on her, "Please let me show you how much I love you!" He gets a thrill when she nods, biting her perfect lips.

He quickly leans in and steals her lips, pressing his into hers, sucking on each one in turn before licking at their seam. She opens her mouth with a breathy gasp, letting his tongue in. He moans in relief, twisting his fingers in her hair to keep her in place. When he feels dizzy, he breaks away so they can breath. Her quick little pants make him groan, his jeans now uncomfortably tight. He places quick hard kisses to her lips as he backs her up to the bed, tugging up her shirt.

She seems uncomfortable as he stares at her in awe. He touches her belly, the place where his children are being safely kept. Then his eyes bulge as he takes in her large breasts, larger than they were last time he was with her. He immediately reaches around and unhooks her bra so he can see them fully.

"Y/N, fuck you're breasts are so beautiful!" He helps her sit and traces her nipple with the tip of her finger. Her soft moan almost brings him to his knees, it has been so long since he heard her make those sounds for him.

He looks deep into her gray eyes as he grips her jaw and looks down at her, "I love you, Y/N and I'm going to remind you of that over and over again tonight." Her precious tongue flicks out to coat her lips and it makes him smirk, "I looked up all the best positions for pregnancy." They both laugh as he repositions her on the bed and begins his onslaught.

The hybrids have grown increasingly more protective, making it very inconvenient to take them anywhere with Y/N. Jimin picks another dress off the rack and almost melts all over again. There is something insanely addictive about baby girl clothes.

"You're horrible to shop with! All you want is dresses, they really don't need dresses at all, they're just going to spit up all over them," Y/N pouts at him, crossing her arms over her baby belly.

"I could say the same about you, all you want is gender neutral onesies, that's no fun! They're only going to be that tiny for a few months, we should enjoy. every. minute!" He punctuates the last few words with gentle pokes to her belly and she grudgingly breaks into a smile. He cups the back of her head and pulls her in for a sweet kiss.

Her due date is two months away, but her doctor is expecting her to only last another month. It's crunch time to get all the baby supplies. Jimin already took the boys here to pick out stuff and now it is Y/N's turn. If the damn hybrid fathers would chill the fuck out they could have done this all together. But no, that is no longer an option.

A week ago Jin had chewed out the waiter when he smiled at her while taking her order. A couple of days before that when they were taking a walk in the park, Hoseok had verbally harassed anyone who came within 5 feet of her. A couple days before that, someone was handing out free samples and approached Y/N and Taehyung had snarled at the poor woman. It was all getting out of hand, so now only the humans are allowed out with her.

Y/N picks up a pair of baby sneakers and holds them up, her smile making her nose crinkle. She wiggles them, obviously imagining little baby toes inside.

"Adorable!" Jimin comments with a crinkly smile of his own. She puts them on the shelf and continues walking down the aisle. Y/N is a lot more practical. The goal today is to get all the practical stuff they forgot last time.

"I'm so excited to be a dad!" He loops an arm around her shoulders and kisses her temple.

"You're excited for no sleep, a million diapers a day and being spit up on?" Y/N teases.

"Sure, but all the other stuff too! What are you most excited about? You've got to be excited about something!"

"Of course I'm excited," She says shyly, letting her fingers brush over the tiny shoes that they pass, "I'm excited to feel their fingers wrap around mine and feeling their hearts beat. I can't wait to see them smile and make them laugh. I'm excited..." She glances at Jimin, "I know I didn't take the news well and I know it's taken me a long time to get on board but I am excited now."

"You are too cute for your own good!" Jimin places little kisses on her forehead, nose and then her lips. Her cute little giggles make him giggle. He kisses her one last time before they move on.

"I can't believe you guys didn't get bottles!" She starts throwing things in the cart, "Or binkies or nail clippers or diaper cream. I'm seriously questioning your sanity! Didn't you have Namjoon with you?"

"Namjoon is just as bad as all of us! Maybe worse, he was cooing over everything he saw. You're the only level headed one of us all." He adds some more toys to the cart and she puts them back.

"Stop! We have enough! Holy hell!" Jimin wraps his arms around her as she reads the nipple sizes of the different bottles. When he touches her belly he feels movement and it makes him giggle.

"Soon little babies, soon you'll be out!"

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