Breaking Point

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"Y/N!" Hoseok growls low into your ear and it wakes you, fully wakes you, because he is also grinding his very hard dick into your ass. His grip around you is tight , holding you to his chest and hips.

"Hoseok, honey, we can't," You say calmly. You shouldn't have let Hoseok talk you into sleeping with him last night, you knew he wasn't fully weaned off the Breed yet. Now that he knows you're awake, Hoseok whimpers are rolls away from you, turning his back to you and curling himself into a ball.

"It hurts so bad Y/N, please!" His voice is so desperate, "Please!" He is basically pleading with you. You know how you are on your heats, how painful it can be, how you feel like you'll do anything anybody asks if only you get to come. You feel sorry for Hoseok, you feel protective as his alpha.

"Hobi, if you need to come, I'll hold you until you're done," You say to the hybrid, touching his shoulder. He whimpers and nods. You scoot closer to him, spooning him from behind and wrapping an arm around his chest. You let your other arm go to his hair, scratching at his ears.

"Thank you, Y/N! Thank you!" His body tenses and moves as he starts to relieve himself. He moans and whimpers as scratch deeper at his ears. You wish you could fuck him for real, feel him inside you, you wish you could join in on his moaning, join his pleasure. You can't help but feel aroused and that seems to fuel him, he pumps faster until he gasps and gives a drawn out groan as he comes.

You tighten your grip on his chest and press as close as you can into him, as he breathes slowly, coming down from his high. He buries his head in the pillow and whimpers.

"Are you ok Hoseok?" He shakes his head and whimpers again, curling into himself even more. You bring his hand to your lips and kiss it. "Everything's going to be ok Hobi, I promise!"

"Breed has never made me feel like this, I feel like I'm losing my mind! I don't feel like myself, I'm so so sorry!"

"Don't feel bad honey, normally you would have an outlet for the Breed and now you don't," You soothe, "I understand and it's alright. Soon the Breed will be out of your system, just another week or two." He nods into the pillow. He makes the mistake of taking a deep breath. Her intoxicating smokey smell, mixed with his release. It's like an electric shock to his dick and he can feel himself getting hard again.

"I think you should go, you smell way too good!" He moans. You chuckle and get up, stretching. You need to take a shower before anyone smells you, because you may smell good to Hoseok but there's at least one hybrid who won't like it. Even though you and Hoseok didn't technically do anything, your aroused scents will linger as if you had.

"See you at breakfast Hobi!" You smile as you leave him. You feel oddly happy as you skip down the stairs and to your bedroom door. You open it slowly and see three figures curled up together, your beautiful family. Just then the backdoor opens and you hear Namjoon's voice. You look back at the bed, the room is dark and at this angle you can't really make out faces but there are definitely three people in the bed.

You pull the door closed. Namjoon is making coffee in the kitchen with Taehyung. They're both in pajamas, hair tousled, clearly they just woke up. You don't know why, but you suddenly feel uneasy. You feel the fur on your tail stand up.

"Good morning, Y/N!" Taehyung calls cheerily, coming over to hug you. He stops short when he smells you, his eyes wide.

"It's not what you think," You say quickly. Namjoon looks at you sharply. Taehyung looks awkwardly from you to Namjoon. Namjoon comes towards you and he smells so strongly of Taehyung, not at all like Jungkook or Yoongi. Did he sleep with Taehyung last night, at his house?

"What the fuck did you do, Y/N?" He growls, low and menacingly. His normally soft eyes are filled with pent up rage, like dry tinder, he's just waiting for a spark and he'll explode.

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