Perfect Moments

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"Where are you even going to put this?" Yoongi comes in with a canvas bigger than him. Your heart is beating so loud, you're so excited to get started on your new project.

"I'll just paint outside!" He places the canvas on the table.

"It's fall Y/N, it's too cold to paint outside. We'll just move the table or something." Yoongi tugs your back to his chest and holds you there as you continue to stare at the canvas.

"Where's Jimin?" You lean your head back so you can kiss him lightly.

"Hmmm, he's next door, the three of them are doing a night in." He kisses you again, reaching up to trail his fingers down your throat and you purr. "Where are Hoseok and Jungkook?"

"They were showering when you got home so they should be down soon." Yoongi kisses just under your jaw then kisses down to your shoulder.

"How are your heat symptoms? Do you think you're close?" You groan and pull away.

"Way to ruin the moment!" You protest and start arranging a spot for the canvas on your easel.

"Ruin the moment?" Yoongi scoffs with a laugh, "I'm serious though, how are you doing?"

It is a valid question, your heats take up a lot of his time, so planning ahead of time is helpful for him. Everything so far, it just feels like the week leading up to your heat. You feel horny, emotional, and sluggish, but you're still thinking clearly, there's no pain, you're not hot. You shrug at him.

"I don't feel great, but I don't know, maybe any day now?" You fake sob, you really hated your heats. Yoongi reaches forward and rubs your shoulders.

"Who do you want to help you during your heat?" He asks quietly. You shrug again.

"The four of you?" Yoongi's fingers find a tight knot and you groan. He applies pressure there to work it out and you gasp.

"Me, Namjoon, Hoseok and Jungkook? Are you sure?" He moves away from the tamed knot and moves further down your back.

"It would make things easier for you." You grit your teeth as his hands find another sensitive area.

"I don't care what's easier for me, I want to make sure you feel safe and comfortable." You cover your face as you start actually crying. Maybe it's because he's so sweet and you miss him, or maybe it's because your heats always make you nervous, or maybe it is purely your hormones wreaking havoc, either way, you're bawling and you feel stupid.

"Babe, why are you crying?" He turns you around so you're facing him. You drop your head on his shoulder in defeat.

"Because my ovaries are betraying me!" You whine into his shoulder. He chuckles, holding you tight. "I don't like who I am during my heats, what if they don't like it either?" Yoongi pulls you away from his shoulder and cups your face, looking at you. His dark eyes are soft, comforting and you feel like crying all over again.

"I know you don't like your heats because you feel out of control and you lose your inhibitions."

"And I cry, I cry a lot!" You hiccup.

"You don't cry that much," He reassures, "But being on the other side, I don't feel put out, I have fun and I love having days where all I have to do is please you. And I've done it enough to know what I'm saying, right? Fifteen years of helping you through your heats and I still look forward to them.

"And they're hybrids," He says enthusiastically, "If anything, they can appreciate it more than me! So you don't have to worry about them thinking less of you, ok?"

You nod slowly, "Fifteen years... Has it really been that long?" You ask quietly. Yoongi leans in to kiss you, a few sweet pecks.

"Crazy huh?" He rests his forehead against yours. He rocks gently side to side with you. "I'm excited to see what you're going to paint on that monster!" You both pull away to look at the large canvas.

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