That's What You Meant...

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Later that night, Yoongi seems antsy, he's never antsy. He's had a few glasses of whiskey so far, not alarming, but definitely more than normal. You and Namjoon watch him as you eat, Jungkook oblivious as he shovels food in his mouth. Man could he eat!

"How was work?" Namjoon ventures.

"Huh? Oh, fine, fine." Yoongi waves his whiskey dismissively. Namjoon gives you a side glance. So not work related? You had a pretty good idea what it could be then.

"I heard from Taehyung today, have you heard from Jimin?" You ask nonchalantly.

"Fuck Jimin!" Nail on the head. Yoongi drained his whiskey.

"Seems a little harsh!" You chuckle.

"What happened?" Namjoon asks at almost the same time. Yoongi angrily fiddles with his phone for a few seconds and then thrusts it out to you both. You take the phone and hold it between you and Namjoon. It's a text conversation with Jimin. As you read, Yoongi pours himself another two fingers of whiskey and you smirk.

Jimin: Hey baby boy! You miss me?

Yoongi: Baby boy?

Jimin: Your ass is mine now, I can call you whatever I want!

Yoongi: That so? We're official now, just like that?

Jimin: Just like that. Obviously I wear the pants in this relationship.

Jimin: Be a good little boy and do what I tell you to!

Yoongi: Fuck that!

Jimin: Don't you mean fuck me?

Yoongi: JIMIN! What the fuck?? Seriously!

Jimin: Sorry, not sorry?

Jimin: But for real

Jimin: We should talk more when I get back

Jimin: I've been thinking about you ALL fucking day!

Yoongi: Stop! Holy shit, don't make me mute you

Jimin: lol! Fine I'll stop, can't be giving you a boner when I'm not there to help

Yoongi: Oh my fucking hell! Go find Taehyung, take a cold shower, something!

Yoongi: I mean what the fuck? We've barely even made out!

Jimin: You don't want to?

Yoongi: That's not what I'm saying you cocky bastard! Just keep it in your pants for now!

Jimin: Too fast?

Yoongi: Too fast

Jimin: ....I guess I can wait. I'll just go fuck my cat again.

Yoongi: I fucking hate you

Jimin: No you don't lol

Jimin: Goodnight baby boy!

Yoongi: Night asshole

You can't help it, you burst out laughing when you finish. Namjoon gives you a horrified look and Yoongi gives you a death glare. You laugh until your ribs hurt. Jungkook's eyes shift curiously from you to Yoongi, to Namjoon and back to you.

"It's not funny!" Yoongi protests.

"Did you get one?" You ask, gasping for air and holding your side.

"Get one what?" Yoongi growls. You pull up the text again and read it out loud,

"Lol, fine I'll stop, can't be giving you a –" Scrambling, Yoongi snatches his phone away and you smirk, "There must be something in the water because Tae was hitting on me too. But not that bad!" You laugh again.

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