Teach Me, Alpha

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"Do you want to mate, Jungkook?" It comes out as almost a whisper. He whimpers, biting his lip even harder.

"Is that ok?" Is that ok? Those three words just about broke your heart and kick you into gear. You pull him into a kiss, ravaging his mouth. His tongue feels absolutely amazing dancing against yours. When he pulls back to breath, you chase after him, biting his lower lip and sucking it between yours, laving your tongue against it.

His longing comes out in a mixture of a whimper and a cry. You hush him by diving back into the kiss and bucking your hips into him. He pulls away panting, hovering over you on his hands and knees.

"I don't know," He sounds anxious, worried and your heart clenches, "I don't know how to do it." You stare at him in surprise.

"Are you a virgin, Jungkook?" He nods, lowering his head. Being an exotic type hybrid, you had just assumed that he would have some experience. A huge part of you is so relieved that this part of him hasn't been violated.

"Don't worry baby, I'll teach you. Take off your shirt and lie down." You slip off the couch and help him take his shirt off. Fuck, you don't see him shirtless enough. You are half tempted to hide all of his shirts for a couple of weeks.

His chest is lean and firm, the definition of muscles subtle, just coyly sitting below his honeyed skin. He lays down on the couch, eyes vulnerable and soft, so trusting. You almost feel bad about your plans to destroy his body. You straddle him and he lets out a startled yelp. You place a soft kiss to the side of his mouth.

"Has anyone ever given you a hickey?" A small shake of his head. "Would you like a couple?" He nods his head quickly, his tongue flicking out, that damn teasing tongue! You kiss him roughly, licking into his mouth before licking your way to his jaw and then to his neck. You lick in a slow circle before latching on. You can feel his moan vibrating in his throat as you suck. You are sure that if you reach between your legs, your arousal would already be leaking through.

You release his skin, rolling your tongue over the patch to soothe it and sit up to admire it. His chest pressing against your thighs as he takes one shallow breath after another.

"How did that feel?" You ran your thumb lightly over the spot, "Did you like it?"

"Yes!" His response was breathy, desperate.

"Do you want more?" Another quick nod. You ran your hands through his hair, it is still wet from his shower and it leaves your fingers damp. You notice his hands curled into fists, pressing hard into the couch cushion. "Do you want to touch me, Kookie?" His only response is a whimper and it shoots straight to your core and leaves you panting. "Where Kookie? Where do you want to touch me?"

"Everywhere!" He chokes out. Oh fuck!

You rip your shirt off and unclasp your bra. Maybe another time you would let him try undressing you, not today. You take his hands off the cushion and put them firmly on your hips. You lean down and begin sucking at his neck again, letting your hardened nipples press against his firm chest.

Once he has his hands on you, he does not hold back. He tugs at your hips closer then traces the curve of your spine and presses up your sides to the curve of your breasts against his chest, all while moaning your name.

You unconsciously find yourself rocking your hips into him to get some relief. As you switch from sucking on his neck to sucking on his collarbone, you begin to purposely grind into him. You feel his whole body twitch with pleasure underneath you and you roll your hips into him again.

"Fuck!" It comes out of his mouth as a gasp. You lift your head and see that his eyes are screwed tight, his face contorted in pleasure. You could get off by that expression alone. You are going to make him come over and over again, just so you could see that look on repeat.

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