Mama's Genes

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You gasp as you feel another sharp pain and grip the edge of the bathroom counter. It isn't the first one, but that doesn't make them hurt any less. Dr. Kang had warned you that early labor could last for days.

For days? How fair is that? When the contraction lets up you take a deep breath and head back into the bedroom.

"You ok, love bug? How are the contractions?" Jin reaches out for your hand, kissing your knuckles. You sigh and pout.

"They're still not close enough," You whine, "I just want to be done already." Jin grabs your hips and smiles up at you.

"Almost there honey, almost there!" Jin helps you lie down and you can't get comfortable, you haven't been comfortable in months. Five babies... and you were going to meet them any day now. You groan as you feel another contraction. Jin's eyes go wide.

"I think we should start timing, that seems like it was really close!" You gasp as the contraction releases. Jin starts the timer.

Everyone has been on edge the last few days, every time you have a contraction they jump up ready to rush to the hospital. You love them to death, but you were ready to strangle them. Yoongi is the only rational one, but Jin is a close second.

"Fuck!" You groan through another contraction.

"Four minutes! So 411 right? 4 minutes apart lasting for 1 minute for at least 1 hour! Babe!" Jin bounces on the bed excitedly, "We are so close!"

"I really want to scold you for being so happy right now!" You say through gritted teeth and he just laughs. You spend the next hour timing your contractions. They stay consistent.

"Babe! We're in labor!" Jin immediately starts changing out of his pajamas.

"We're in labor? I'm the only one in labor here, pup!" But thank god you are in labor and soon they'll be out because damn you are so tired and as big as a whale and so uncomfortable all the time! You can't wait to see your babies and have your body back to yourself.

Jin goes to wake up Yoongi. You do not want to be a part of the chaos that's about to ensue, so you may have sworn Yoongi, Jimin, and Jin to secrecy and made them promise they can't announce to the rest of the house you're in labor until you are already on your way to the hospital.

"Fucking hell!" You gasp through another contraction. Jimin comes skipping through the door followed by a drowsy Yoongi and a bouncing Jin.

"Are you guys causing your mama trouble?" He kisses your belly and then your forehead, "Let's get you out the door sweetheart!" Between the three of them, you get the bag, get down the stairs and get help with your shoes.

"What's going on?" The four of you look up the stairs and see Jungkook rubbing his eye. His hair is sticking up and he only has boxers on. He blinks sleepily a few times and then he seems instantly sober.

"Is it time?" Jungkook asks and his large eyes go wide. Jimin ushers you out the door.

"We'll be right behind you!" Jimin reassures at the same time that Jungkook yells "Y/N's in labor!"

The waiting room is packed. Only Yoongi, Y/N's legal owner, can be in the delivery room with her and even though they've known that for months, it's almost impossible to stomach right now. A few of them pace, a few of them sit and fidget in a chair pretending to be calm, like Jin. Taehyung's head is currently in his lap and he strokes Tae's hair as calmly as he can. It forces him to take deep breaths and stay still.

Tae takes the fingers of his other hand and begins kissing his fingertips, maybe Tae senses how nervous he is.

Across from them Hoseok and Namjoon sit side by side, holding hands. Each of them has a leg that is bouncing uncontrollably. That left Jimin and Jungkook to pace. Jin is afraid that at some point Jungkook is going to start running laps, he looks that agitated.

"You guys ready to see some babies?" They all snap their eyes to Yoongi as he walks into the waiting room, a huge gummy smile on his face and a baby in his arms.

They all scramble to get to him and see their baby. Jungkook gets there first and he gasps. As Jin crowds around, he can see why. The tiny bundle in Yoongi's arms has an abundance of gray hair and white scales dusting their forehead and temples.

"Congratulations Kookie, meet your daughter!" Jin looks from their baby to Jungkook and the young man is silently crying, "Would you like to hold her?" Yoongi asks gently. Jungkook nods and quickly wipes his face. She squirms in her sleep as Yoongi transfers her to Jungkook's arms and they all coo over her.

"Hi baby!" Jungkook whispers, touching her tiny button nose. Jimin kisses her forehead gently and Taehyung slips a finger into her fist, her tiny fingers barely able to wrap around it.

"How's Y/N?" Jin tears his eyes away from their baby to look at Yoongi.

"She's doing really well. No complications or anything. The nurses said they were going to wheel the rest of the babies into her room, would you guys like to meet them?"

You've never been hit by a truck, but you have a feeling it would be pretty similar to how you're feeling now. But as you look down at the bundle in your arms, you have to admit it was worth it. You just wish you had more arms. One of the nurses offered to stay in the room until Yoongi got back with the rest of your family, just in case one of the babies needed attention before they got here.

There is a knock at the door and then Yoongi comes in with all of your mates, one of your babies in Jungkook's arms. They come to greet you, but you encourage them to see their babies. One by one they are plucked delicately from their resting places and nestled into the strong arms of the men you love so much.

"Mama's gray genes are persistent!" Hoseok coos at your baby fox who has gray ears, hair and tail.

"She's a girl," You get suddenly emotional as you remember Hoseok wanting a little girl to put in a tutu. He must feel it too because he starts to cry. Yoongi wraps his arms around Hobi's waist and rests his chin on Hobi's shoulder.

You look over at Jin who has one of your sons in his arms, he's laughing with Taehyung and Namjoon as he plays with their son's little curly tail. Namjoon gently rubs the dark ears of the baby boy in his arms, a german shepherd hybrid like him. You gesture to Taehyung and he sits on the edge of your hospital bed. You gently tug the blanket away to reveal your daughter's tail. It's black with subtle gray spot markings.

Tears well up in his eyes as he gently runs his fingers through the fur of her tail, "It's me and you Y/N," He whispers, his glassy eyes full of awe and love. You nod and he leans in to kiss you sweetly.

"Do you want to hold her?" He nods and you transfer her to his waiting arms.

"Bring her over here, Tae! So we can see her," Jin urges. He now has your fox daughter in his arms. Tae joins them, showing off her tail. The seven of them coo and cry and laugh as they stare lovingly at your five babies.

Your eyelids are heavy, your body craving sleep after being awake all night. You slowly let yourself drift asleep, knowing your babies are protected in the arms of their fathers.

Five babies: one gray fox: girl, one German Shepherd: boy, one Shiba Inu: boy, one black leopard with undertones of white: girl, one white gray snake: girl.


I was brainstorming the different baby possibilities and had to include all of them because I'm a sucker and think I'll the combinations are adorable. Just the prologue left I'm afraid 🥺😭


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