Pure Fury

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You wake the next morning, still in Jungkook's arms. As much as you want to stay there, you really have to go to the bathroom. You move out of his grasp as quietly as possible and tiptoe to the bathroom. When you are finished, you are moving back towards the bed when you catch snippets of a heated discussion happening downstairs. You glance at Jungkook to make sure he's still asleep and quietly leave the room.

"I'm his boyfriend, who the hell are you to be playing middle man?" Yoongi's raised voice wafts up the stairs to you.

"Look, you know probably as much as I do, ok? But I'm going to respect his privacy and wait for him to tell me, you should too!" Jin's voice is quieter, but firm. Yoongi scoffs. You're at the bottom of the stairs now. They are all in the living room. Hoseok and Namjoon are sitting on opposite couches watching Jin and Yoongi. Jin is stationary in the middle of the room, arms crossed defensively, Yoongi is a ball of nervous energy and can't help pacing.

"Jin has a point–" Namjoon tries to interject, Yoongi interrupts

"Don't you fucking start!" He points a finger at Namjoon and it's enough to make you speak up.

"Calm down, Yoongi," You scold firmly. The four of them all turn to look at you. Yoongi looks like he's trying to mask his anxiety and hurt with anger. You go to him, pulling him into your arms and you feel his body deflate.

"Why doesn't he trust me?" He whispers painfully. You rub his back soothingly.

"Trust goes both ways, love." He grips you tighter, "You need to trust that he will reach out when he needs you and you need to be ready to be understanding and empathetic when he does." Yoongi releases you with a nod, running a hand through his hair. He sits on the arm of the couch dejected and you turn back to Jin.

"What happened last night?"

Jin tells you as much as he knows, that when the three of them went inside last night, Jimin checked all of the windows and doors to make sure they were locked. Then Jimin and Taehyung told him they needed to talk and they would tell him everything in the morning.

"It's the first time in weeks that they didn't let me sleep with them." You could tell by the way that he was rubbing his elbow that this little piece bothered him immensely. Yoongi may be Jimin's boyfriend, but Jin's bond to the two of them was deeper on a lot of levels. "They were up really late talking, I could hear them crying, but they wouldn't let me in." Jin clears his throat to keep from crying and you open your arms to him.

He sniffles as he envelopes you, seeking comfort from your embrace. "When they came out of their room this morning, they pretended like nothing was happening, wouldn't answer my questions, and asked me to come here and tell Hoseok that he canceled classes for today."

You rub his back and coo to him, telling him that everything was going to be alright, but you're more nervous than you were before. What was going on?

The four of you talk more as Yoongi starts making breakfast, but the conversation really goes nowhere. When Jungkook comes down, you stop the conversation altogether. Jungkook goes straight to Namjoon who immediately tugs him close, protectively. It makes you smile slightly.

Jin wants to go get ingredients to make something special for Jimin and Tae, and Hoseok and Namjoon offer to accompany him. Just like with Yoon's café, a small local grocery store within walking distance from your house allows human owners to add credit to their accounts so hybrids can shop on their own. The shop is simple and doesn't carry the biggest variety, but it's hybrid friendly which seems to matter a whole lot more.

You try to paint to distract yourself, but it doesn't work. Jungkook sits on the couch watching something, but his constantly bouncing leg lets you know that he's still feeling anxious. Yoongi sits at the island counter, checking his phone constantly and then sighing angrily when he gets no messages or calls from Jimin. You feel a drive to help protect your family, but how can you do that when you don't know what you're protecting them from?

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