Just Creating

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You wake up the next morning in an unfamiliar bed. You stretch slightly and the body behind you reflexively pulls you closer. As you blink the sleep out of your eyes as his scent comes to your nose. Taehyung, you could stay here breathing in his scent forever. Fresh and musky at the same time, like pine and chai tea.

"Good morning, Y/N," His breath in your neck and his deep scratchy morning voice makes you shiver slightly. You can feel his lips twitch into a smile against your skin. He rolls onto his back and purrs as he stretches to his full length.

You sit up and look down at him, your breath catching in your chest. He has no shirt on and you want to run your hands along his skin, feel all the dips and grooves. Tae watches you, blinking slowly as he licks his lips. You clear your throat and look away.

"So today you're all mine, pretty kitty!" You snort at the nick name, the nick name he's used since the moment he met you.

"Is that right?" Your laugh is cut short when he suddenly sits up, leaning in close to you. You stare into his green eyes as he blinks slowly, a smirk sliding into place.

"That's right, I'm taking you to my studio," He kisses you lightly and your eyes flutter close, "Hmm, how about you get ready and let's go. Jin's got breakfast cooking downstairs." He kisses you again.

"I need to go home and change." Taehyung shakes his head, getting up from the bed.

"If you go home, I don't think Jungkook would let you leave!" He snickers, fetching you a towel and a clean t shirt and shorts from Jimin's side of the closet. "We're going to be playing with clay all day, you don't need to get fancy." He sets everything on the bathroom counter, "Come find me when you're ready!" He kisses you once more before leaving the room and closing the door behind him.

You come downstairs 20 minutes later, showered, refreshed and dressed in Jimin's clothes. All three of them stare hungrily at you.

"What?" You ask self-consciously. Jin recovers first.

"Nothing, love bug! Come get some food!" He sets a plate on the table for you and you sit down. "Do you want some coffee?"

"Y/N's a tea girl," Tae speaks up, his mouth full of food. Jin turns on the kettle.

"We have black, jasmine, chai, and I don't know what this..." He takes out the box and studies it.

"Jasmine is perfect!" You dig into the food on your plate and immediately groan, "Jin this is so good!"

He laughs and sets your mug of tea in front of you.

"Today I'm taking Jin to start an internship with a friend of mine who owns a restaurant," Jimin sips his coffee and Jin smiles at him fondly.

"I'm excited! Most of what I know is self taught, just imagine how good I'll be when I've been taught all the tricks!" He winks at you.

When breakfast is finished, they clean up everything and then leave together. Jimin drops you and Taehyung off first.

Taehyung's studio is in the corner of a three story building, so it has tons of windows and natural light, it makes you purr and Tae smiles at you.

There are a few kilns along one wall, shelving along another, a sink and glazes along another. In the center is a large work table.

"Jimin said he gave you the speech," Taehyung says as he pulls on an apron and hands one to you.

"Has he given you that speech before?" You finger the fabric of the apron between your fingers, it's course and sturdy. He turns you around and began gathering your hair on top of your head in a messy bun.

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