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"How did you hear about this restaurant?" You ask, playing with Yoongi's fingers as he drives. When Yoongi and Jimin had joined you this morning, they said they wanted to take you to a new hybrid friendly restaurant for breakfast. Yoongi looks sideways at you and grins.

"I had a meeting with a woman, she has a panda hybrid partner and they said it was hybrid friendly." Jin leans forward.

"A panda hybrid? I've never seen a panda hybrid before! Was he cute?" Yoongi gives him an incredulous look, "Ah, I see, you wouldn't admit if he was or not. Just because someone's taken, doesn't mean they're not still attractive. Take me for example!" Namjoon snorts and Jin shoots him a glare before continuing, "I think I become more attractive with each partner! Imagine what I'll look like when I've sealed the deal with the five of you."

"It would have been four." You glare at Yoongi.

"Would you let that go?" Yoongi sniggers.

"It's still too fresh." Namjoon and Jin laugh in the back seat. Yoongi turns off a main road and into a neighborhood. "Where are we going?" You look around confused at the residential scenery passing you by.

"We need to make a stop first." He turns into the drive of a fenced home and parks. You look back and see Jimin's car behind Yoongi's. The house is white and beautiful, there are tons of large windows and it makes you sigh internally, you would love windows like that.

"So," Yoongi turns to look at the three of you. He looks like he's trying really hard not to smile, "Jimin and I came here to look at this house yesterday and we want to know what you guys think of it." You stare at him dumbfounded.

"Wait..." Namjoon leans forward, "Are you saying... Are you and Jimin looking to buy a house together?" Yoongi nods a grin slowly spreading across his face. You hear whooping outside the car and see Jungkook, Hoseok and Taehyung run up the porch of the house.

"Shit!" You scramble to take off your seatbelt and from the frantic sounds you hear in the backseat, you assume they are too. You hurry up the stairs and through the open front door.

"Welcome!" A beautiful woman in the entryway greets you. You nod your head to her, but continue into the house and turn to the right. The room is bright and open, sun pouring in through the large windows, windows you had been coveting two minutes ago. You step into a warm patch of light.

Chaotic sounds come to you from different parts of the house, your twitching ears picking them up. Yoongi and Jimin are talking to the woman in the entryway, probably the realtor, Jungkook and Hoseok shouting to each other as they run through the house, cabinets and drawers opening and closing with squeals of joy from Jin, Taehyung calling to you about a fireplace. This moment feels unreal, too perfect.

"Y/N!" You look up and see Namjoon leaning over a railing, his dimples making you melt as he smiles wide, "Come look at this!" You scoot past the three still talking in the entryway and climb the stairs to the second floor. It looks like it is mostly bedrooms, but off to the right you spot Namjoon.

"Isn't this perfect? A place to come up and just read?" He gestures around the little nook with what could possibly be the biggest smile you've ever seen on him.

"It is perfect!" There's a thunder of footsteps as all the hybrids now race up the stairs and start scouting out bedrooms.

"Tae, let's take this one!" You hear Jungkook call out.

"Wait, we have to check out the shower first, come here!" You hear Taehyung reply. Hoseok's and Jin's loud laughter rings out beautifully. Hoseok comes out of one room and enters the next. You and Namjoon begin looking into the rooms as well.

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