Under the Overpass

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Yoongi trudges his way over to Jimin's. After talking with Y/N, he feels nervous but maybe a little more at ease. She asked to be the one to talk with them first and Yoongi would be back up.

"Hello?" Yoongi calls out, peeking his head through the backdoor.

"In here!" Taehyung calls out from the living room. When he walks in, he huffs out happily. Taehyung is spread out on the couch with Jungkook splayed out on his chest, hands curled into Tae's shirt. The sight makes Yoongi feel better.

They're watching a movie. Jungkook lifts himself up and watches Yoongi expectantly. Yoongi ruffles his hair and tells him that everything is ok. Jungkook settles back into Taehyung but watches Yoongi as he takes a seat on the neighboring couch.

"Jimin's in the shower," Taehyung says by way of explanation. Yoongi just nods, he feels exhausted, dried up. The three of them had been soundly asleep when they were woken up by shouting. Jimin had said a quick goodbye after Y/N had slammed the door, dragging Tae out with him. Even though it's been less than an hour, he needs to see Jimin again.

"Is it alright if I go upstairs?" Yoongi asks quietly. Taehyung eyes him, his feline stare hard and calculating, it makes him squirm.

"Sure," He finally says. Yoongi can feel the cat's eyes on him as he goes upstairs. He knocks at the bedroom door and when Jimin doesn't answer, he lets himself into the bedroom. He can hear the shower, but also the sweetest voice singing. Yoongi realizes with a start that it's Jimin singing, he didn't know Jimin could sing like that.

Yoongi lays down on the bed and closes his eyes as he waits. Against his will, he falls asleep to the sound of Jimin's angelic voice.

"Yoongi?" Yoongi starts awake, looking around guiltily.

"I didn't mean to fall asleep!" He says quickly, blushing a little. Jimin is sitting on the bed next to him, biting his lower lip to keep in a laugh. He's fully dressed, but his hair is still damp so Yoongi knows he can't have been asleep that long.

"It's ok," He brushes the hair off Yoongi's forehead fondly, "Is everything ok, Yoongi?"

"I just–just missed you," He stammers out, "Can I-can I hold you? Like last night?" Jimin blinks in surprise, but nods. The two of them situate more comfortably on the bed until Jimin is tucked securely in Yoongi's arms.

"Is everything ok at your house?" Jimin asks tentatively. Yoongi shrugs.

"It got worse." He tells Jimin about everything that had happened after he left with Taehyung in tow. "But, I feel like you're right, like Y/N has it under control, at least I'm really hoping she does..."

It seems like the smell of the fox is burned into his nose, an unpleasant itch, so it has been easy for Namjoon to follow his scent.

What Y/N had said, it was like a slap to the face, the good kind, if there was such a thing as a good slap to the face? The past two weeks, he's been acting irrationally, he knows that. The seed of jealousy that was planted the moment he saw Hoseok was so voracious that it quickly consumed him. Fed by his insecurities, it felt like an impossible thing to stop.

But then Y/N had plucked it out and exposed him with just a few words. He had decided, the moment he left the house, that he is going to give Hoseok the benefit of the doubt and he is going to ask for a second chance. He will squash his stupid German Shepherd territorial instincts and things will get better. He can come back from this mistake.

Hoseok's scent is leading him to the underpass, it is a place he never went himself and he wonders why Hoseok went there. Before long, the sound of hip hop music fills the air. There are dancers practicing in the underpass, popping to the music, taking turns to dance in the middle of their circle.

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