Good News, Bad News

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Jungkook squirms at the dinner table, he can't contain his excitement. This day had been perfect, a day hand crafted from the gods! Beginning with some one-on-one time with Y/N, then everything that had happened at class. It had him so giddy, he had a job! He was going to teach, like Namjoon taught. When Sensei offered him the position, he was sure he was going to cry!

Jungkook looks around the table, everybody is here but Namjoon. Namjoon was supposed to be home an hour ago, but he hasn't come home yet, not surprising. Jungkook literally can't take the waiting anymore.

"I got a job!" He blurts out and the table falls quiet, everyone turning to look at him. He squirms again, but this time nervous because of how many eyes are on him. "I got a job as a teacher at my dojo! I start training next week." What if they don't like the idea of him working? What if they don't think he's good enough to do it?

The table explodes with the news. Y/N comes over and kisses him again and again, telling him how proud she is. That is all he needs to melt all his doubts. As long as she's proud of him, he can do anything.

"Funny, Jin has something too," Jimin toys. Jin rubs the back of his neck, his ears pinning to his skull in embarrassment.

"I sort of got a job too," He says quietly.

"He's going to be a station chef at the restaurant he's been interning at," Jimin grins proudly.

"Damn, the good news is just flowing in today! Y/N got some good news too, but she won't share!" Hoseok pouts.

"Yah! You weren't supposed to say anything! I'll tell you at Christmas, no more asking!" The table is full of excited chatter and it makes Jungkook giddy. He feels more human than he's felt in years, now all of them have a job!

Yoongi clears his throat, "I, uh, I received some good news too," He begins tentatively, "I've been looking at my own studio space," He swallows hard, "Today I signed the rental agreement and received backing from a couple investors, I'm starting my own label."

The table explodes again, questions are thrown around the table, some at Jungkook, some at Jin and Yoongi. Jimin pours everyone a glass so they can make a toast together. Jimin raises his glass in a toast,

"Here's to good news!" He cheers, raising his glass. Everyone raises their glass and repeats the phrase. The burn of alcohol down his throat makes Jungkook shiver and grin widely.

Yoongi's phone rings and he steps away from the noise to take it as Jimin pours everyone a second round. Jungkook throws back his second glass, blissfully happy.

"What's wrong Yoongi?" Jimin asks wearily. Yoongi's dark expression sobers Jungkook up. Yoongi gathers his keys and throws on his coat.

"Namjoon's been picked up by Hybrid Control."

Yoongi's hands are shaking as he gets out of his car and enters the local Hybrid Control center. They hadn't told him much over the phone, just that he needed to come pick up Namjoon. The room he walks into is sterile white. Along the sides of the wall are plastic chairs to wait in and straight ahead of him is a receptionist desk. A young woman in scrubs with a ponytail mans the desk.

"I was asked to come pick up my hybrid," Yoongi says as he approaches. She smiles kindly at him.

"Your name?" She asks politely.

"Min Yoongi, my hybrid's name is Namjoon." Her fingers clack at the keyboard and Yoongi tries to regulate his breathing. He has irrational thoughts popping into his head: what if they don't let him take Namjoon? What if he's hurt? What if Namjoon turned himself in and asked for sanctuary, what if Namjoon didn't want to come home? The thoughts just keep coming. The young receptionist interrupts his stream of worries.

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