Twirling and Dipping

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You pluck at the end of your skirt nervously. Jimin glances at you with a smirk, "You look beautiful Y/N!" He says sweetly, reaching out for your hand as he drives.

"Thanks! By the look on their faces, maybe I should dress up more often!" Jimin laughs, bringing your hand to his lips and kissing it.

"Hmm, serves them right! I bet every single one of them is thinking of date ideas. Honestly how long has it been since you've actually gone on a proper date?" You shrug, things got complicated and you weren't sure what qualified as a date anymore, there were so many of you that one on one dates seemed impossible.

As Jimin starts to park the car, you look around, but don't recognize anything around you. Jimin gets out and comes around to open your door. He offers his hand to you and tugs you gently to your feet when you take it.

He wraps an arm around your waist and steers you to a small storefront. It's not dirty or run down, but it seems so... ordinary. You raise your eyebrow at him.

"I know it doesn't look like much on the outside, but this place is one of our favorites, Tae and I come all the time!" He holds the door open for you and then follows you in.

It takes you a moment to adjust to the low lighting. Little curved booths line the left side of the small restaurant and on the right side a live band plays on a raised stage. In between the booths and the stage is a wooden dance floor where a few couples sway together.

"How many in your party?" A young hostess asks politely.

"Just two," Jimin licks his lips slowly before he grins. The hostess ducks her head politely, slightly blushing under his gaze.

"Right this way!" She begins to lead the way to a booth near the back. You poke Jimin's side.

"You're such a flirt, leave the girl alone!" You chide.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." You slide into the booth together and she sets down menus and silverware.

"Your server will be right with you!" She bows one more time and then scurries back to her station at the front of the restaurant.

"Why do you like this place so much?" You ask as you shrug off your jacket and open a menu to peruse the options.

"The food and drinks are good, they are hybrid friendly, but we mostly come for the dancing." You freeze and turn to look at him in horror. He smiles wickedly. Before you can adamantly refuse to dance in public, your server shows up. Jimin orders a beer and you order an ice tea.

"Dancing is good for the soul! And you'll be dancing with me, you have nothing to worry about!"

Your server returns with your drinks and takes your food order. Jimin wraps an arm around your shoulder and plays with the skin on your shoulder as you talk and sip your drinks.

Jimin started dancing almost as soon as he could walk and went to a prestigious arts school in high school that allowed Taehyung to accompany him to his classes. That's where Tae learned about ceramics.

"I liked messing around with the girls in the class and Taehyung did the actual assignments, I was taking the classes for him after all. But man was he good at it! It took a long time to get his studio completely set up but my parents helped too, they adore Tae!" You smile sadly.

"I'm sure Yoongi's told you about his parents?" You question, twirling your straw in your glass. The ice clinks pleasantly. You wipe a finger up the surface, collecting the beads of moisture sweating on the outside of the glass.

"Yeah a bit," Jimin admits.

"I wish he could have a better relationship with them, but I don't think that will ever happen. I'm glad your parents are more supportive."

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