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Jin stirs and cracks open one eye as Y/N gets up from the bed. It's still dark in the room, too early to be awake. He snuggles further into their shared bed and sighs. The last few weeks in this house has felt like a dream come true. True, it is a lot of people all under one roof, but Jin wouldn't trade it for the world. Their Christmas together had been the best Christmas that he has ever had.

She comes back and snuggles into his chest. His whole body responds to her, her soft skin, her addictive scent. He takes a deep breath of her and freezes.

"You smell different," Jin says tentatively, sniffing her neck. Her scent is slightly milky sweet.

"Maybe it's my heat, it's super late," She mumbles. Jin pulls away from her neck so he can look at her..

"Your heat is late?"

"Dr. Kim said that could happen, since I started those new pills, you know? He said that my symptoms might be so minimal I might not even know it's happened, that would be the dream!" She purrs and presses closer to him, her delicious scent overwhelming him.

"How late is your heat, Y/N?" He asks calmly, scratching behind her ears.

"Mmmm, middle of December I think," Jin can tell she's falling asleep again so he stops asking her questions, but if that's true, her heat is over a month late.

Jin can barely focus at work. Maybe she is right, the pills are just making her heat late, but what he smelled on her was not her heat, it wasn't even close. He doesn't want to consult anyone in the house because he doesn't want to cause drama unnecessarily. When he almost cuts his finger while prepping, he decides to take a 10 minute break.

He steps outside and breaths in the crisp air. He jumps when a voice behind him greets him. He turns to see Daeseong smiling at him. Jin bows politely to his elder and fellow hybrid. Daeseong is a rabbit hybrid and has been working here longer than him. He is in his late thirties but the only indication of his age is the beginnings of laugh lines around his eyes.

"You've seemed distracted today," He smiles politely at Jin, his long brown ears twitching. He is such a caring man and such a good father. Jin suddenly straightens.

"Can I ask you a personal and kind of weird question?" Jin asks boldly.

Daeseong nods carefully, "I suppose that depends on the question."

"What did your mate smell like when she was pregnant?" Daeseong's wary expression melted into a bright smile.

"It's still one of the best things I've ever smelled!" He says, a little shyly, "When she's pregnant she smells sweet and a little creamy, like milk." Jin's stomach drops, "Why do you ask?"

"I think my mate is pregnant," Jin says with a forced smile.

On his way home Jin goes to the hybrid friendly market near their house and buys a pregnancy test. He's about to check out when on second thought he goes back for a tub of Y/N's favorite ice cream. Once home, he takes the test upstairs before anyone else can see it, then goes to put the ice cream in the freezer.

"Are you trying to bribe someone?" Yoongi says with a smirk, watching Jin from the stove where he is stirring a pot.

"You never know when you need ammunition!" Jin jokes, "How can I help?" Jin likes working in the kitchen with Yoongi. He's often quiet, but the silence is inviting and calming. They both anticipate each other's moves and needs. It's oddly satisfying to work with a partner like this in the kitchen.

A pair of arms wrap around Jin from behind and he can feel a body press into his, "Hey Kookie, how was your day baby?"

"Good," He says with a sigh of contentment, "Yoongi let me drive to and from the dojo today. It was a blast!" Jin chuckles and turns around in his arms. Jin brushes Jungkook's red hair off his forehead and then kisses his nose, making him giggle. Jin groans internally at how adorable he is.

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