Car Ride Discussions

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"Oh honey," Jimin begins softly, placating, like he's talking to a wild animal, palms up and stretching out to you "I just thought it was upsetting you seeing him like that, that's why I asked if you wanted to wait outside, that's all baby girl! I am so grateful that you found him and I took him in because I was worried that he would be one too many for you, I didn't know that it bothered you so much!"

You realize that you completely misread Jimin and the shame hits you like a truck. The tears you were holding back start pouring down your face and you let out a little sob. 

Jimin closes the gap, pulling you into his chest and wrapping his arms around you.

"Why don't you go back to Jin?" Jimin says to Yoongi, "We'll be right in." Jimin pets your hair as Yoongi retreats.

"I'm sorry, I'm such a bitch!" You sob out. Jimin peels you away from his chest and palms your cheeks, forcing you to look at him.

"One, don't ever call yourself a bitch again, it hurts to hear you say that. Two, you don't need to feel sorry. I can't imagine what it would be like to be a hybrid." You bury your face into his chest and he begins stroking your hair again.

"I want you to know I have so much respect for you and I would never wield my authority as a human over you." You nod into his chest, because you did know and you felt so bad for your lapse in trust.

"I do know that, I don't know why I acted that way, I feel ashamed." Fresh tears roll down your cheeks.

"Aigoo, baby girl, we can't have that!" He peels you away again and gently wipes your tears away. He kisses your forehead, then playfully rubs his nose against yours and it makes you giggle.

"You know what I think we need? We need to spend more time together, just you and me. Before yesterday when was the last time we spent any one on one time together? And even yesterday it was so short!"

"Jimin, you really don't have to do that, I know you and Yoongi want to spend time together and that's ok!" Fuck, you start crying again and cover your face.

"Has that been bothering you too? Honey, I'm not trying to replace you, if that's what you think. I never could!" He gently pulls your hands away from your face and begins planting kisses in random places. "I think we need this, just you and me time. How about I take you on a date?" On a date? You don't even know the last time you went on a date. You melt into him completely and nod your head.

"And I have a feeling Jin is going to be just like Taehyung, he's not going to give a rat's ass that I'm his owner and you'll be the one who's really in charge, you'll be his alpha too."

"Does Tae really see me as his alpha, I can't really tell with him sometimes." You feel yourself relaxing into Jimin, feeling your emotions settle for now.

"Of course he does, he adores you! He's like me, he's an all in kind of guy and doesn't know how to give his heart in stages, so if he's pushy, just know it's out of love and he's just trying to feel accepted."

You pull away and look at him, he can be mischievous and flirty, and he always wants to stir the pot and watch everyone scramble, but he is kind, compassionate, and fiercely loyal. His smile softens as you lean up and press your lips into his. His lips are soft and immediately move against yours, chaste but intimate.

"Ready to go back?" He asks when you pull back. You take his hand and you walk back into the clinic together. Just as you come in, Yoongi and Jin come out. Yoongi is shaking his head as Jin finishes a joke with Dr. Kim.

"Y/N, how are you?" Dr. Kim asks kindly.

"I'm good, thanks Dr. Kim!" His smile gently gathers up under his eyes.

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