Taking a Step Back

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"Y/N? Jungkook?" Namjoon's voice is strained as he calls out. The two of you had watched as Jin ran into Jimin's and Yoongi subtly waved Namjoon and Hoseok home.

"We're up here!" Jungkook calls out. You are now in his lap as the two of you continue to watch the comings and goings of next door. You can hear two sets of footsteps racing up the stairs and you groan internally because you know they are going to make a big deal about your face.

"Y/N!" Hoseok exclaims in a strangled voice. He hurries to the bed, taking you from Jungkook to fret over you. Namjoon sits right next to him, eyes wide with worry.

"What happened baby? What's going on next door? Are they ok?"

You both explain to them all you know, from the time you heard the commotion, to your retreat home when the police showed up. Namjoon pulls Jungkook into his lap and the four of you settle into an uneasy silence. You all watch as the police leave and the paramedics leave. Jimin and Taehyung get in Yoongi's car, but you can see Yoongi and Jin heading to your front door. The four of you quickly leave the room.

"Y/N, hun? Where are you?"

"Here," You come down the stairs as Yoongi comes to the bottom.

"Fuck babe! We need to take you to the clinic." You wave him off.

"It's not that bad!" You protest. Jin comes up beside Yoongi.

"Y/N!" He gasps, pulling you closer and tilting your head to get a better look. There was only a slight bruise so far, it was mostly just red and puffy.

"We are still taking you in!" Yoongi insists, "Let's go!" You walk with Yoongi and Jin to the door, Hoseok, Namjoon and Jungkook trailing after you. "Will you guys go and pack them both a bag for a couple days? Two or three of us will have to sleep down here, so maybe some bedding and finding our air mattress will be good too?" The four of them nod, solemn, anxious looks on their faces.

"We'll be back soon," He opens the door for you and you both leave.

Hours later you are in bed with Tae and Jimin, Jungkook spooning Jimin on one side and you spooning Taehyung on the other. The two between you have finally fallen asleep. Their faces are swollen and red from crying.

"Is your face ok lover?" Jungkook lifts up on his elbow so he can see you. You smile at him, so cheeky this boy.

"It's fine, just a little sore." Dr. Kim had examined you and gave you the all clear. He told you the symptoms to watch for and released you. Taehyung was similarly examined and released. Tae turns in his sleep to face you.

You gently stroke his raw face, it breaks your heart to see them like this. You keep replaying it over in your mind, that man Jisoo, his hand on Jimin's throat. The panic in Jimin's eyes. You keep hearing the way Tae was whimpering as blood flowed through his fingers. What if you hadn't heard them? What would have happened to these two?

You kiss Tae's brow and then smooth it with a finger. He purrs in his sleep. Maybe Jungkook's thoughts are the same because he is gently kissing Jimin's neck, jaw, and behind his ear.

The bedroom door opens and Jin comes in. "Let's wake them up, food's done and they haven't eaten all day." You gently rouse them. Tae blinks at you, his eyes automatically filling with tears. Maybe it's your face or the pain in his head, but he seems to be taken right back to the moment.

"You're ok sweetheart! You're ok!" You kiss his face, pressing one comforting kiss after another, "Let's get up and eat though, ok? Your body needs it, to help you heal and feel better." You start leading him out when you notice Jimin is awake but not moving. You usher Tae into Jin's arms and then tell Jungkook to follow them. You climb in bed behind Jimin and wrap your arms around him.

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