His New Home

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"You're such a brat, Park Jimin!" The three of you have left the store and walked back towards the meeting place. You are fiddling with Jin's collar, trying to remove it.

"What?" He asks with a giggle, scanning the crowd for your companions, it's getting close to your meet up time. He seems excited, bouncing as he searches.

"You know exactly what, my needy, nagging hybrid and you called Jin old! You're so rude!" You free his neck and gently rub the skin.

"Thanks!" Jin has the sweetest, softest smile.

"You're right, I apologize, Jin you're not old." You punch Jimin in the shoulder.

"Take back what you said about me!" You insist. He turns you around and wrestles both of arms across your chest and pins you, as if he was back hugging.

"Like I said, so needy!" He kisses your neck as you huff, then sticks out his tongue and runs it up the length of your ear, it makes you shiver. Jin watches quietly with an amused expression.

"Could you stop tonguing my cat please?" Jin starts and you and Jimin stifle your laughter. Yoongi fake glares at Jimin who kisses your neck one more time before he lets you go. Namjoon and Hoseok come up behind Yoongi and glance curiously at Jin.

"Where's Tae and Kookie?" Jimin asks, again bouncing, looking for his own hybrid. You realize with a sinking feeling why, Jimin wants to introduce Taehyung to Jin, Jimin wants to keep Jin. It's irrational, you know, but the thought is like a stab through your heart. He's not yours, he's not yours because you are a stupid hybrid.

Jimin finally spots Taehyung making his way back with Jungkook. Jimin waves at him to hurry and pulls him to the side first to speak with him. Everyone is looking at Jin now.

"This is Jin," You introduce him to the group.

"Did you find another stray, Y/N?" Hoseok asks with a sly smile.

"Another one? I'm not the first?" Jin asks, matching Hoseok's toying energy.

"You would be the fourth!" Namjoon laughs. He gestures to the three of them with Jungkook's hand in his. Jungkook watches the newcomer, quietly observing until Jin winks at him and he blushes. Taehyung comes up right in front of Jin, looking him up and down with a mischievous smile. His ears and tail twitch pleasantly.

"Jin, this is my other hybrid Taehyung," Jimin introduces. Yoongi starts and looks quickly at you, you look away. He's realizing what you realized just minutes before.

"You're cute!" Taehyung purrs. Jimin pushes him away good naturedly,

"Yah! Would you behave yourself? Goodness!"

"I would get used to it," Namjoon speaks up, "They're both like that, don't let Jimin fool you." Everyone laughs at that. In the chaos of voices and laughter that ensues, Jin finds your hand and takes it in his. You look at him and he winks.

"Did you get introduced to everyone?" Jin shakes his head at Jimin's question. "Well this Hoseok, Namjoon, and Jungkook, their owner is Yoongi here. Y/N is Yoongi's too." You feel him clench your hand and he looks down at you. You squeeze his hand back and smile at him reassuringly. Everyone welcomes him.

"Well should we start heading home?" Namjoon asks and everyone agrees. He takes the lead with Jungkook and the rest of you follow in pairs, which makes it easier to get through the crowd. Jimin and Taehyung follow next and then Yoongi and Hoseok.

"I thought..." Jin starts slowly, "You were going to be my alpha." His voice is light, but there's a question there.

"Our families are super close, we live next door and see each other all the time. I'm kind of Taehyung's alpha. My owner Yoongi is dating your owner Jimin," You say it all in a rush and he just nods. You walk in silence a minute or so more, "I'm sorry, if we took you from someone you cared about or if you left behind things you loved," You say meekly.

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