Making Up for lost Time

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Yoongi comes home to two ecstatic hybrids and two meek ones. Y/N is in Jungkook's lap scenting him as he holds her and giggles on one couch while Hoseok and Namjoon sit on the other one, ears low to their skulls and heads bowed. What kind of magic did Y/N have?

"These are the rules I've set up with them," Y/N says firmly. She's tucked into the window seat as he starts to get everything situated in his workspace. She begins to lay out the rules.

1. Namjoon and Hoseok will share a bed for the next two weeks. 

2. Everyday they will work out together, Hoseok staying within the restrictions of his injuries.

"It's mostly just about them spending time together," Y/N clarifies.

3. Twice a week, Hoseok will go with Namjoon to the library. Three times a week, Namjoon will go with Hoseok to Jimin's studio. They will choreograph a song together and perform it together at the end of those two weeks.

Yoongi stares at her blankly. If he's honest, he's a little horrified, but way more impressed. If that was his punishment, he would never do anything to act out again, ever!

As bizarre as the solution was, as mortifying as it was for both parties, having them spend so much dedicated time together was the miracle cure. The two become quick friends, any old grudges or past injuries gone in a matter of days.

Yoongi gets time to work uninterrupted by his anxieties about things going on in his house, and you and Jungkook get lots of time together, which very quickly just becomes long drawn-out make-out sessions.

To your surprise, it's Jungkook who initiates it. The first day Namjoon goes with Hoseok to Jimin's studio, Jungkook pulls you unceremoniously into his lap and pecks at your lips. It was so cute, like a child's kiss, innocent and sweet. But you're really not innocent or sweet, so when you kiss him back, you don't play nice.

You spend hours kissing. Jungkook seems to want to learn, so you show him how you like to kiss and how you like to be kissed. By the end of those two weeks he has mastered the art of kissing and he's anxious to move on to other prey. He corners Yoongi in his office one day, pins Namjoon to the couch the next, when he goes to straddle Hoseok, you have to redirect him, can't have Hoseok losing control and doing unspeakable things to your baby.

Instead he skips over to find his next targets: Jimin and Taehyung.

"What have you done Y/N? It's like you have unleashed a monster!" Namjoon jokes, but is half serious as he says it.

You just shrug, "Is anybody really complaining though?"

Jungkook has become more outgoing in a lot of ways. He speaks up more, teases more, especially Jimin. You're not sure if it's him finally settling in, or maybe it's Hoseok's influence, but it also might be his self defense classes. You know he isn't learning much from the classes, but he likes being with others in the class, then going home and using his lessons as a launching pad to teach himself new things. Either you, Namjoon or now Hobi goes with him to his class, not wanting him to walk there on his own just yet. But you really want Yoongi to go and see a class for himself.

Speak of the devil, Yoongi comes tripping down the stairs with the biggest gummy smile on. He scoops you up into his arms and swings you around.

"Babe! I'm free, done, just sent my last project in!" He begins kissing you fiercely. He pushes you onto the couch and begins attacking you. You hum into his touch, your hands going up his shirt as his tongue gets reacquainted with yours.

"I'm fucking wound so tight!" He groans and grinds into you.

"You're wound so tight? I haven't had sex in like a month, I feel like I'm dying!" He chuckles into your ear.

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