*Bonus Chapter*

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Jungkook skips over to the neighboring house in search of his neighbors. Jin and Tae are always a good source of entertainment. If they're not bickering playfully, they are laughing until they cry from Jin's horrible jokes and offended attitude when he doesn't get the response he's looking for.

Jungkook doesn't knock anymore when he comes over, just goes straight through the kitchen and to the living room. Tae is stretched on the couch, his tail lazily brushing Jin's shoulder as he sits on the floor with a look of determination on his face and a controller in his hand.

"Hello sweet Kookie, come here!" Tae rolls to the side and pats the couch in front of him. He jumps on the couch and snuggles enthusiastically into the panther hybrid. Tae is the best snuggler he knows, but he would never admit that out to anyone.

"Hey Kookie!" Jin says, but doesn't turn away from the TV. Jungkook immediately wants to mess with the older hybrid. He runs a finger up Jin's tan pointed ear. Jin jerks his head away, but doesn't say anything. Tae lightly chuckles behind him. He does the same thing to Jin's other ear.

"Ya!" Jin chastises but keeps playing. Jungkook really wants to see how far he can push Jin. He continues to touch his ears or tickle the back of his neck or make loud noises at the worst possible moments for Jin. Jin does not keep his cool. He scolds Jungkook distractedly as he continues to play. But Jungkook is still not getting the reaction he is hoping for. He's going to have to step up his game.

Jin starts getting excited, chanting as he's neck in neck for first place. At the last moment, Jungkook leans into Jin's neck and licks it. Jin flinches wildly with a startled cry and then whines when he sees that he lost. Jungkook laughs heartily, throwing his head back against Tae's shoulder.

"Ya! What the hell? Kook! I lost!" Jin whips his head in Jungkook's direction. Jungkook gives him a toothy grin, but Jin's not having it. "That's it, come sit right here!" Jin pats the space right in front of him between his legs. Jungkook's eyes widened, is he being serious?

"Jungkook!" Jin's voice is firm and sends a thrill down his spine, but he's not ready to cave just yet.

"I'm not going to listen to you, you're not my alpha," He scoffs playfully, not able to resist teasing Jin even more. Jin reaches out and grabs his chin with a finger and thumb.

"Say that to me again." Jin's low voice and his straight face makes Jungkook's heart race and his face heat up. He tries so hard to respond, to tell Jin off, but he can't.

"That's what I thought." Jin kisses his nose and he makes the tiniest of whimpers, "Now come here." Jin turns back around and fetches his controller and another controller. His first sexual experiences have been fairly recent and now he sees things in a different light. He understands now that Jin's touch is not as innocent as he once would have thought. Jungkook stays frozen in his spot until Tae nudges him from behind with a low chuckle.

He gets uncertainly to his feet and Jin again pats the space between his legs. Jungkook settles down, butterflies stirring up his stomach when Jin wraps an arm around his waist and pulls him closer. He feels both nervous and safe in Jin's arms. Jin leans into his ear, hot breath making heart twitch in pleasure.

"Don't worry, I won't tell Y/N." Not tell Y/N? Did he do something wrong by submitting to Jin? He didn't want to upset her. He looks back at Jin questioningly. Jin smirks, turns his chin a little bit more and then leans in for a sweet kiss. For a moment Jungkook can't breathe. It's his first time kissing Jin and Jungkook realizes Jin is in charge and somehow has been this whole time, subtly waiting for Jungkook to figure it out.

Though the kiss is pretty chaste in comparison to past kisses, Jungkook feels lightheaded and giddy by the end of it. Jin's sweet floral scent is heavy in his nose and makes him want to suck on Jin's scent gland as if he can taste Jin's honeyed scent on his tongue if he did. He gulps at the thought. Jin hands him a controller and turns his attention to the screen again to start a new game. Jungkook settles back into Jin's chest and Tae's tail lightly flickers against them.

It wasn't bad to have two alphas right? 

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