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As Yoongi walks back to the car he notices Y/N alert, standing guard over Hoseok who is slumped against the car. He straightens with a grimace as Yoongi approaches.

"You alright?" Yoongi asks warily. He nods and Y/N emphatically shakes her head. She begins to tug up his shirt and he tries to push her hands away.

"Let him see," She commands and tugs the shirt up again. Hoseok looks away.

"Fuck!" Yoongi says under his breath when he sees the bruises all over Hoseok's ribs. "We're going to take you to a clinic."

"I'm fine!" He protests, but Yoongi waves him off.

"Get in the car, we're going." Yoongi unlocks the car and pulls out his phone to let the clinic know he's coming.

You get in the front seat and Hoseok takes advantage of the empty back seat to gingerly lay himself down. He lets his eyelids flutter shut and he sighs.

"You guys have great timing, today was my last time busking. He was going to start breeding me at the beginning of next week. If you hadn't come today, we never would have met!" There is silence for a few seconds and then he plowed on, "Not that I don't like breeding, I do, really do, it's the best time of the year!"

"What is it like?" You can't help it, it just falls out. He cracks an eye at you and you look forward again, avoiding his one eyed stare.

"Well I get a bed in a room all to myself, which is fantastic! They bring in the hybrid that's come to be bred, I help her through one round of her heat and then they take her away. A lot of times, the owners want a mix of hybrids so in the course of one complete heat cycle, a female could mate with a fox, a dog, a cat, really all kinds! Often I'll be with the same hybrid the whole night, so they don't have to switch them through the night. So we just sleep and fuck whenever her heat comes."

"It's not a bad life, I'm always sad to go. I help all kinds of hybrids through their heats, lots of foxes, but cats and dogs too. How many heats a year do you have, kitty cat?" Yoongi eyes you, watching to see if you are uncomfortable.

"Four." You say quietly. And he nods, closing his eye again. Openly talking about sex with a stranger and knowing that these kind of things happen, it makes you slightly uncomfortable and you shift in your seat. Hoseok's ears twitch but he doesn't open his eyes.

"Did I make you feel uncomfortable, kitty cat?"

"Y/N," Yoongi corrects. Hoseok does open his eyes at that and stares at the back of Yoongi's seat calculatingly.

"Y/N," Hoseok concedes. "Who helps you through your heats, Y/N?" He blinks and then focuses on you.

"I do." Yoongi responds before you have the chance to. "And Namjoon helped with her last one." Hoseok raises an eyebrow.

"There are two other hybrids in the pack," You explain, "Namjoon is a German Shepherd hybrid and Jungkook is a San Francisco Garter Snake, he's a little newer to the pack than Namjoon."

"A snake huh?" Hoseok hisses when he lifts himself on an elbow to express his interest. It makes you cringe to think about how much pain he must be in.

"You don't have a problem with snake hybrids, do you?" Yoongi looks back at him in the mirror. Hoseok smiles gently. Every single one of his smiles is radiant and full of warmth. 

"Of course not, they're just so rare! I can't wait to meet him." His sincerity comforts you. With a grunt, Hoseok lowers himself back onto the seat and his smile sags as he closes his eyes. You have only just met, but your instincts to protect this hybrid are through the roof. Already he seems to be a sun that your life with forever orbit.

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