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Yoongi can't stop his knee from bouncing as they wait in the lobby. Y/N's tail is making a slight shushing sound as it sweeps back and forth on the tile. They hold hands, but don't speak, both nervous for their own reasons he thinks.

In this ultrasound they will be able to see their babies and they'll actually look like babies. They're supposed to be able to see fingers, tails, and finally be able to know for sure how many babies there are. Because of the hospital's policy, he is the only one who can be here with her, only her owner can be present in the room with her, but they had assured him they would get a recorded copy that they could take home with them after the visit. Yoongi fingers the silver band on his left hand with his thumb as well as fingers Y/N's band in his other hand.

"Min Yoongi and Y/N?" A young woman in scrubs calls to them. Yoongi helps Y/N to her feet and they follow the nurse back. The nurse weighs her, takes her blood and asks a bunch of questions before the doctor even comes in. Yoongi had hoped they could stay with Dr. Kim during the pregnancy, but after their initial appointment he had referred them to an OBGYN who specialized in hybrids.

There is a knock at the door and the doctor comes in. She is a woman in her late 30's wearing a white coat and neutral blue scrubs. Her smile is soft and her eyes attentive.

"I'm Dr. Kang." She addresses Y/N first with gentle reassurances that make Yoongi immediately like her. She shakes his hand warmly.

"Let's take a look at your babies, shall we?" Yoongi helps Y/N roll up her shirt and Dr. Kang spreads a clear jelly on her stomach. Dr. Kang directs their attention to the screen and places the wand to her belly. Yoongi's legs instantly feel like jelly.

There they are... He can see their outlines, see them moving, hear their hearts beating. Y/N squeezes his hand and he looks down at her. She looks completely star struck, her eyes wide and glassy as she stares at the screen. He kisses her temple.

"Well Y/N, let's see how many little ones are here." She takes a moment, staring at the screen, "I think there are five." She says with a bright smile.

"Five? I'm going to die!" Y/N throws her head back dramatically.

They spend the next three hours looking at the babies, trying to find the gender for each, making sure their size and heart rate is on track. It seems like 3 or 4 of them have tails and at least two of them are boys. Dr. Kang also tells them some precautions they should take, Y/N's increased calorie intake, as well as the need for regular visits.

"It's not uncommon for hybrid mothers to have multiples," Dr. Kang says soothingly, gripping Y/N's hand, "You're going to be just fine Y/N! And I'm here to answer any questions you have!"

Yoongi settles Y/N in the passenger side and leans in to kiss her passionately, pouring his excitement and pride into the kiss. She pants when he pulls away, her dewy eyes searching his.

"Five babies Yoongi..." She says quietly, almost pleading for comfort. He squats down, kissing her knuckles, then flipping her hand over and kissing her palm.

"We'll still out number them!" He sniggers and she laughs too, it's a nervous laugh trying to be a regular laugh. He leans up to kiss her again. "I'm so excited honey!" He says into her lips. She nods as he kisses her forehead.

"I'm nervous, but I'm feeling excited too!"

"Hello kitties!" Tae kisses Y/N and then kisses her belly. Y/N's belly is like a magnet, he cannot keep away! He loves touching it, loves talking to his little ones growing inside. Y/N leans back into the couch and plays with his hair as he places his head in her lap, touching her to see if he can feel them move. It's like they know he's there because he immediately feels them move. He smiles, giddy and content.

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