Scenting, Flirting, & Mating?

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Jungkook wakes up early the next morning out of habit. He blinks at the beautiful face right next to his. Y/N purrs as he strokes her cheek. He groans as he pulls himself away from her to use the bathroom. Yesterday, he's not sure what demon possessed him and made him so confident, all of it seemed to leach out over night.

He enters the bedroom and sees that Y/N shifted in her sleep and she's now pressed up against Yoongi. Jungkook wants that, to be so confident in his love for another person. He knows how much he loves her, and Yoongi, Namjoon and Hoseok, but he's nervous and unsure what to do next.

Does he wait for Y/N to make the first move as the alpha? Or does he just tell her he wants her like Yoongi always does? Jungkook groans, leaving the room. Maybe working out will help him.

Today is Hoseok's first day of work and when you come out of the bedroom you find him in the kitchen drinking a cup of coffee, his fluffy fox tail waving in agitation behind him.

"You ok, Hobi?" You ask, wrapping your arms around his waist from behind. His hands immediately find yours, lacing your fingers in his.

"I'm kind of nervous to teach I guess!" He turns around in your arms, "You know what would help?" You shake your head, half expecting his suggestion to be naughty, "Scenting! Will you come scent me?" You blink in confusion, but nod your head. You aren't sure how scenting will help, but you let yourself be led into the next room. Before you know it, you're sitting in the living room area, Hoseok leaning up against the couch for support as you straddle his lap.

What you thought of as scenting and what you are currently doing are two completely different things. Hoseok sensually rubs his chin up your neck, trailing his nose along your jaw. You rub your cheek against his before pressing your nose against his scent gland, inhaling him. He smells fresh, like citrus and mint, it's intoxicating. You continue to scent each other for another half hour.

You pull away to breathe and Hoseok continues, rubbing his cheek and jaw along your collarbones. You feel almost euphoric, which doesn't make sense, you aren't kissing or anything, but it feels absolutely amazing.

"Why does this feel so good?" You gasp. He leans back against the couch. He smirks at you, like he knows something you don't.

"You poor kitty!" He teases. You frown, unsure and because you feel vulnerable you also feel a little irritated.

"What?" You pout.

"You've never scented like this? Not with your puppy or any other hybrid?" He lazily strokes your hip where his hand rests. You shake your head,

"I mean, I've scented before, like to mark what's mine, but not like this. This is comforting." You look away self-consciously, gripping your elbows to your chest. He laughs lightly at your unease and scoops you into his chest.

"Aigoo, you are so adorable!" He says as he rocks you side to side before toppling to the floor. He wraps his legs around you, effectively trapping you against his body. You feel like protesting, asserting your alpha status, but you don't.

"Growing up, we were kind of discouraged from scenting." You say quietly into his chest, "Then Yoongi's family bought me when I was like 6 and I was the only hybrid they had until we found Namjoon."

Hoseok brushes your hair back with his fingers soothingly. You close your eyes and begin purring.

"I was kind of the opposite, too many of us crammed in together, so sometimes I have trouble with boundaries." He chuckles and you love how it vibrates through your body. "I've had a lot of owners since I was a teenager, but they almost always had another hybrid at one time or another. The last two years before you found me was the longest I've ever been without another hybrid and those years were hell." He grips you tighter.

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