Stable Fixture

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Jimin and Taehyung stay for dinner. The more Jimin drinks, the funnier he gets, and you love it. He goes to pour himself some more wine, but you steal the bottle and pour it for him, his depth perception seems way off.

Maybe it's the commonality, Jimin lives with an exotic cat hybrid, Yoongi and Namjoon live with one, and so they begin sharing stories.

"I used to have this bookshelf in my living room, it was like two feet from the ceiling. One day, I'm starting to get frantic because I cannot find Taehyung, he's no where in the house! I'm calling his name, making a damn racket," Jimin is animated, waving his arms and Taehyung giggles bashfully, "I finally sit down on the couch, ready to cry and look up in utter frustration and there he is, curled up on that damn bookcase just blinking at me!" You all burst out laughing.

"To be fair, I was sleeping through most of it!" Taehyung interjects and a fresh round of laughter makes its way into the room.

"I was about ready to kill you!"

"Does Taehyung ever chatter? Like if there's a bird outside the window?" Namjoon contributes next.

"Oh my god, yes!" Jimin slaps Namjoon's arms.

"The first time it happened, I thought she was broken!"

"Namjoon! You're so mean!" He gives you a sweet, dimpled smile in apology, but keeps going

"I came downstairs to figure out what the sound was and she was pressed against the window, her tail flicking like crazy, which is some feat, that thing is a tripping hazard! And she's just chattering away at a bird on the tree. I turned around and went straight right up to Yoongi's office."

Yoongi snorts into his glass, Jimin leans into Taehyung as they both laugh.

"Tae, when you get tired do you start kneading Jimin?" Yoongi asks with a smirk, imitating the action in the air, pushing one hand forward and one hand back, his hands curled up and flexing like little claws. Jimin bursts out laughing and slaps Taehyung's thigh.

"Y/N will be half asleep kneading my back as I'm trying to sleep, and I just want to be like babe! Go to sleep already! It's so damn cute though." He winks at you.

"Yeah, why do you do that?" Jimin asks as he laughs, imitating the motion too. Soon Yoongi and Namjoon join in, all of them imitating the motion.

"I can't help it!" You and Taehyung say indignantly at the same time. All five of you laugh, you are laughing so hard that your ribs hurt. Jimin suddenly falls off his chair and you all laugh harder as Taehyung struggles to help him back into his chair.

By the end of the night, phone numbers are exchanged, future plans for dinner are made, and all of your wariness is gone. You can't feel anything but kinship with your new neighbors and you are looking forward to spending more time with them.

Namjoon was already curled under the covers reading a book. He had moved into your room almost immediately after your first time together. It honestly felt right to have him there and there was more than enough room for him.

You finish before Yoongi and sit on the toilet seat while he brushes his teeth.

"You liked him a lot, didn't you?" You ask Yoongi. He looks at you sharply, brush freezing in his mouth. You raise your eyebrows at him, teasing him, "If you're feeling frustrated, you can take it out on me."

He chokes on the toothpaste in his mouth and immediately spits into the sink, "Fuck, Y/N! Why, just why?" You shrug,

"I liked him, I think he liked you too." He looks at you and sighs.

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