Night Market

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Yoongi asks Namjoon to help him call different self-defense studios as the other three decide on something fun to do tonight. He asks Namjoon to make a point to ask about the school's philosophy and if they had ever worked with snake hybrids specifically.

It is something he should have done in the first place, not take his timid hybrid to a place based solely on the reference of an acquaintance he barely knew, never had even seen the man with his hybrid, so why had he trusted his opinion? Yoongi feels guilty about his lack of investigation.

Yoongi realizes too late that Namjoon had been calling him. He leans forward, rubbing his face. It's going to take a week of sleeping straight to recover from the last month. "Sorry Joon, what did you say?"

"I set up an appointment tomorrow afternoon for you and Kook, it's the only one I've liked so far." Namjoon hands him a post-it note. Yoongi takes it, sticking it to his fingers and then pulling it off a couple of times, lost in thought.

"Namjoon, are you happy?" Yoongi is staring at the post-it and misses the quizzical glance from his companion.

"Of course I am, why do you ask?"

"Everything's ok with Hoseok? Everything's ok with you and Y/N? Today she said she hasn't had sex in like a month," He pauses unsure, "Why haven't you two been having sex?"

Namjoon rubs the back of his neck in embarrassment, "Well for a lot of reasons I guess. We've been sharing the bed with Kookie, so that's been a thing, but I guess we weren't really happy with each other when Hobi got here, so that put a damper on things. And then she was making me spend all my time with Hobi and then Jungkook discovered kissing and kind of dominated her and I don't know... I miss it though, I miss you both." He smiles and ducks his head, his dimples pinning his cheeks.

Yoongi cups his face and kisses him gently, slowly adding passion to the kiss. He licks his lips as he pulls away, running his thumb over Namjoon's bottom lip.

"I feel like I really fucked up this month, I took on too much and it's just not worth it, I'm sorry," Namjoon shakes head, but Yoongi goes on, "I fucked up with you guys, I fucked up with Jimin, I made him promises that I didn't keep, I left you guys to fend for yourselves

"And this thing with Jungkook is the icing on the cake. He didn't tell me his teacher was an asshat and he's been going for almost a whole month! A whole month Namjoon! And she's been patting his head like he's a fucking puppy. I should have done all of this from the start!" He threw the post-it onto the desk in frustration.

"A lot of owners don't give a shit, I think you're doing alright." Namjoon watches as Yoongi puts his elbows on his knees and bows his head, running his hands through his dark hair. Namjoon loves his hands, loves the veins that pop against his pale skin, his long elegant fingers. Yoongi takes a deep breath and lets it out.

"So is there anything that you want? Anything that you haven't asked for?" Yoongi looks straight at him. Namjoon feels like lying to him right now would be a breach of trust.

"I uh–" He ducks his head with another one of his signature grins, "I got a job offer." Yoongi sits back stunned. Namjoon can't tell if he's upset or not, and he plows on nervously, "At the library, they offered me a part time position. They're offering literacy classes to hybrids, teaching them to read and write. I would help with those classes and then help with some other tasks around the library."

When he finishes, Yoongi still looks dumbfounded and Namjoon shifts nervously. What if Yoongi doesn't want him to take the job? He wants it, he never expected ever in his life to have such an amazing opportunity, but what if...?

"Joon..." Then Yoongi breaks into one of the biggest smiles he has ever seen, "That is amazing! I'm so proud of you! When do you start? Teaching, oh you'll be so good at it!" He cups Namjoon's face and kisses him deeply. As Yoongi presses more and more into Namjoon, he loses balance and falls face first into Namjoon, toppling them both to the ground. They don't come back up for air for a long time.

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