*Bonus Chapter*

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This is a bonus chapter, it's more fluff than anything. It isn't story driven, so is not moving the plot forward. It's mostly a thank you for reading!


"Tae? Are you home?" Hoseok pops his head through the backdoor and scans their kitchen. Everyone else is gone. Y/N and Jungkook are at his self-defense class, Namjoon just started a shift at the library and Yoongi is still working.

When he doesn't hear a response from Tae, he skips through the kitchen and to the living room. Tae is curled up on the couch, clutching his silky black tail to his chest like a security blanket.

Hoseok squeals silently at how cute he is. He crosses to the couch and slots himself in behind Tae, snuggling into his warm body, he's just like Y/N, a little heater. Hoseok reaches over Tae and gently strokes his tail. Tae's fur feels tantalizingly silky under his fingertips, no wonder Tae likes to hold it in his sleep.

From the moment he met Taehyung, he was immediately drawn in. Taehyung has a grace and composure about him that is enviable. In a lot of ways, Tae's personality balances his really well. Hoseok tends to be loud, he laughs loud, talks loud, and has a lot of energy. He often wonders if he annoys people. But Tae tends to be like Yoongi and Namjoon, more quiet and stable in their energy. His calm, reassuring, judgment free personality is refreshing and grounding.

The cat hybrid smacks his lips while he sleeps and pulls Hoseok's arm to his chest unconsciously. Hoseok sighs happily and lets himself fall asleep to the sound of Tae's gentle breathing.

Tae wakes up, refreshed and content. When he goes to stretch, he realizes that someone's arm is around his waist. As he looks over his shoulder, Hobi's cute sleeping face came into view. His soft features as he sleeps makes Taehyung's heart skip. 

Tae slowly turns himself to face the sleeping fox hybrid holding him. Hobi stirs in his sleep and pulls Tae closer to him. Taehyung has a sudden urge to stroke his ears or tail, but he doesn't want to do it without Hobi's permission.

A few seconds later, Hoseok begins to stir, yawning widely and it makes Tae smile. Hobi ruffles his own hair and grins sheepishly at Tae.

"I hope it's ok that I joined you?" Tae nods shyly. Hobi's smile is radiant, bathing Tae in his bright, uplifting energy. Tae can hear his tail swishing against the couch. Tae fingers his own tail briefly, but he's still curious to touch Hobi's.

"Can I touch your tail?" Tae asks quietly, unsure if that's an appropriate question. He was pretty young when Jimin's parents adopted him, similar to Y/N and he doesn't have a lot of experience with hybrids outside of his neighbors.

"Of course!" Hobi pulls his tail around and patiently waits for Tae. Tae pushes his fingers into the fur and purrs at the feeling, making Hobi giggle. It's more coarse than his own fur, but its long and bushy, his whole hand almost disappears into it.

"It's so bushy!" Tae giggles as he slowly strokes through the red fur.

"At least it's not as long as Y/N's, I do not envy the maintenance!" As Tae continues to stroke his tail, Hoseok reaches up and starts to stroke and scratch at Tae's ears. Tae purrs again, "You are adorable!" Hobi lightly taps the underside of his nose, right where his mole is and he immediately hides his head in Hobi's chest.

Hobi squeals and nuzzles into his hair, kissing it lightly, "You're so damn cute!"


Yeet! I'm almost at 5000 reads, how did that happen?? This is a bonus chapter, meant to be a reward for hitting 2000 reads and I'm way behind now 😅Thank you for reading my story and all the new readers who have stumbled upon my story. I hope you are liking this story so far!! Later this week the story will continue! 


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