I want what you two have

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As much of a tease as he is, fucking Yoongi has the precise calming effect you had hoped for. When Namjoon comes back from the library, you no longer feel the tension from earlier. The two of you play cards while listening to music for a little while and then you decide to go on a walk to the park. You put on your ID bracelet, Namjoon already has his on from his earlier trip to the library, and leave the house.

As you walk down the sidewalk, your hands lightly brushed each other, as if they are seeking each other out. You jump when Namjoon takes your hand in his, wrapping his fingers around yours. Yoongi is right, moments like this feel natural.

You flash back to the moment on the couch. It had started when Yoongi brushed your cheek as you snuggled into Namjoon. In that moment, it seemed like Namjoon's heat and Yoongi's touch were stored in the same place in your heart. But how can that be? 

You know and love Yoongi, have for years, but your love for Namjoon is different, strong, just blooming and you know it could be so beautiful if it is allowed to continue. You want a distraction from your thoughts and kind of want to feel out Namjoon's.

"What do you want from life, Joon?" He thinks for a moment.

"I think I want more than I'm allowed to have," He responds with a sad smile.

"What do you mean?" The pain in his face has set the alpha in you on high alert and he isn't even officially part of the pack yet.

"Oh just, I would like to make a difference, make social change happen but I don't know how to do that as a hybrid."

"I don't know how to do that either. " The two of you walk in silence for a few minutes.

"What else do you want? On a smaller scale." You're fishing and you know it. You want to know if he's satisfied staying with you and Yoongi or if he wants something else, but Namjoon doesn't catch on.

"Hmm, I want to write more, maybe get something published, that would be really cool," He squeezes your hand and looks at you. His dimples pin his cheeks in the sweetest smile. You can't help laughing to yourself.

You realize that your feelings for Namjoon have been building slowly over the last couple of months. Now your heart longs for him, to have him as your own. Tonight you and Yoongi will be open with you, tell him your feelings and you hope he will accept you both.

Dinner ends up being late. Yoongi's deadline is 8 pm and he insists on perfecting his project right up to the deadline. You and Namjoon make dinner, well mostly you make dinner and Namjoon sets the table and helps with small tasks. Namjoon is good at a lot of things, but cooking isn't his forte.

Namjoon suggests you eat outside on the patio porch. So by the time 8 o'clock came around and Yoongi plods down the stairs stretching out his stiff limbs, the table is set outside, candles lit on the patio table, and you are just finishing up the food and taking it out.

"You guys are the best!" He kisses your cheek and squeezes Namjoon's arm. Together you all settled down at the table and begin a leisurely dinner. The summer night wraps itself around your little group. Warm air brushing against your skin, the sounds of crickets singing as the night draws on.

You volunteer to clean up dinner as Yoongi plays Namjoon the final version of the songs he sent in tonight. This has become a habit, Yoongi often seeks Namjoon's opinion on songs he is working on. More and more often you can hear Namjoon's influence in parts of Yoongi's songs.

When you come back, Yoongi pulls you into his lap and you nuzzle into his neck, scenting him out of habit. You can feel Namjoon's eyes on you but when you look at him, he looks away.

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