Koi Pond Confessions

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"I hate it! I hate being a hybrid! I wish I could chop off my tail and ears, sometimes it feels like it would be worth it!" Yoongi climbs over the middle console to the passenger side, straddling you. He cups your face in his hands and forces you to look at him.

"I said stop." His voice is firm, his eyes so sad.

He strokes your tear stained cheeks with his thumbs. "You are the best thing that has ever happened to me, that will ever happen to me. I wouldn't trade you for anything, I would die first!

"Everyday I'm so grateful that you brought those boys into my life, I love them so much, I love you so much! I wish that I could give you everything you deserved and I wish that this life was fair." He closes his eyes as if he's in pain, fresh tears following the track of the previous ones.

"You aren't controlling or stupid. You find people who are lost and give them the courage to keep going. You give them a safe place to rest when they are healing. Being an alpha isn't about power, it's about protecting the people you care about and nobody does that better than you."

You whimper, grabbing the front of his shirt and leaning more into his touch. Sighing, he kisses your forehead, each of your eyebrows, then your eyelids when you let them flutter close.

"Y/N, if I ever made you feel less than what you are, I am so sorry!" You shake your head quickly.

"You've never made feel anything but loved." Your voice cracks. He pulls your lips to his, drinking deeply, desperately. You moan into the kiss and he just presses harder. You push against one of his shoulders, urging him to rotate his body. Never breaking the kiss, you both move until Yoongi is underneath you and you're straddling him.

His hands pull at you, hungry to touch you and you're just as hungry to touch him. Groping each other, sloppy open mouthed kisses, and tears, none of it is pretty really, but it feels beautiful, it feels like home.

There's a knock at the car window and you both jump. A police officer is glaring at you two. Yoongi nervously rolls down the window.

"Take it home." Is all he says. Yoongi nods furiously. The police officer straightens and backs up a few feet, clearly waiting for you to leave.

"Oh, fuck!" Yoongi scrambles out from underneath you and to the driver's side. You both buckle up and he pulls away. The police officer, crossing his arms at you two and silently scolding you from the sidewalk. Yoongi starts laughing first and you can't help but join in.

It's the kind of laughter that comes after emotional pain, the laughter that keeps coming long after the humorous event warrants. The kind of laughter your body just craves so it can fill you with good chemicals and flush out the bad. The same kind of thing that almost had the two of you fucking in the car at a public park.

He reaches out for your hand and you take it, "You know," He swallows painfully, "You know I would never sell you or any of them?" You look away in shame.

"I know you wouldn't but it's like a nagging thought, like he could do that if he got tired of me or if I did something to upset him, he could legally do whatever he wants. Someone could walk up to you and offer you money, just like you did with Namjoon and Hoseok, and I would have to walk away with them, that scares me." You tip your head down and fresh tears drip into your lap.

"You have to trust me a lot and I know saying I would never do that doesn't take away the possibility. The only thing I can do is try to earn your trust everyday. Is that enough for you?"

You look at him, watching the road and think about everything you have been through together. You remember the eight year old Yoongi who would get panic attacks before entering the classroom or the teenage boy who had never had sex, didn't even know if he liked women or men, volunteer to help you with your first heat. The young man who chose you over his family and moved you into an apartment so tiny it makes you sick to think about now or the man who was thinking about raising surrogate children from other hybrids because he could never have his own with you.

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