Make-up Coffee

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Just like soccer, Jungkook is a natural when it comes to anything physical and working out becomes an outlet. He is soon in the little home made gym out back twice a day, once to work out with Namjoon in the afternoons and once in the morning by himself. He has been stealing your phone to follow along with workout videos he finds.

You really needed to get him his own phone, his own work out clothes, probably some more equipment for the gym, a whole shit ton of things for him, maybe enroll him in some self defense classes, but Yoongi has been ridiculously busy. He's in the last stages of several projects right now and the deadlines are piling up.

But he has promised that in about a week, he will have time to go shopping. You make a running list in the meantime, so nothing is missed when you finally go. You are adding a few more things to the list when Jungkook comes down the stairs, freshly showered after working out. He shakes his fingers through his damp hair before plopping on the couch next to you, peering over your shoulder to see what you are doing.

"Here, look this over, is there anything else you need?" You hand him your phone and snuggle into his shoulder.

"I don't need all this stuff," He looks at you, confused and worried.

"Yes, you do, this is the bare minimum Kookie." He chews his lip self-consciously, "Don't worry, let us take care of you, huh? It helps us out too. Namjoon needs his clothes back, I need my phone back," You tease, tickling his side a little. He squirms, but gives you a smile, the one that scrunches his nose.

"Ok, Y/N," He concedes, "Can I just add on one thing?"

"Add on as much as you want!" You stand up and stretch, going to the kitchen for some iced tea. You pour a cup and take a sip, letting it linger on your tongue before you swallow. You hum in delight.

"What do you think about self defense classes, Kook?" He looks up at you, brows knit together, lips pulled into a pout.

"That's just more money, Y/N!" You roll your eyes at that.

"Would you like them or not? I took some, it's been a few years, but they're really fun! It would be something to keep you busy." He slowly nods his head, a small smile breaking onto his face. You nod in satisfaction and take another sip of your tea. You'll have to talk to Yoongi about it.

"Y/N, Jimin is calling." Jungkook comes up to you with your phone.

"Hey Minnie," You put the phone to your ear. Jungkook pulls a banana milk from the fridge and hops up on the counter next to you.

"Hey love, how are you doing?" Jimin sounds tense or maybe distracted.

"Good, just hanging out with Kookie." You wink at him and he smiles shyly into his banana milk. "How about you, is everything ok?"

"Y/N, I – Well, is Yoongi mad at me?" Not only does he sound tense, but he sounds sad. You stand up straight, alert.

"What do you mean? Did he say something?"

"Well," Jimin laughs lightly, trying to play it off, "It's the lack of talking actually. He hasn't really been responding to me since we went to the park."

The park? That was almost a week ago. "He hasn't said anything Min, I don't think he's mad. He's just been crazy busy."

"Ok, it's just that he's canceled a date, canceled Wednesday dinner, and wants to cancel again this weekend. It kinda feels like a lot to be just busy? I just wanted to make sure."

Yoongi hadn't said that he canceled Wednesday dinner, he had just said that you wouldn't be doing it this week so you had assumed Jimin and Taehyung canceled. They had been over less this week and now you wonder if it's because Yoongi is ghosting Jimin. You are suddenly furious with him.

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