Checking In

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It's been almost two weeks from the time they found Hoseok. Jimin hums, that had been a good day. But it has been almost radio silence since then. Yoongi again is the worst at responding, but even Y/N isn't responding with her usual gusto.

Namjoon is over a lot more than normal, but he is quiet and tense and doesn't want to talk. Jimin thinks about the night he kissed Y/N, she had been so worried, how is she doing? How are they all doing?

"Taehyung?" Jimin calls out. His hybrid sticks his head out the bathroom, toothbrush sticking out from between his pouty lips that are frosted with toothpaste. He feels a surge of love for him and smiles softly.

"We should invite everyone over for dinner tonight, Yoongi will probably not make it, but I think we should check on the others." Tae nods as he returns to the bathroom to spit.

"I think that's a good idea, they're all acting like a box of cats," He calls out from the bathroom.

"A box of cats?" Jimin asks in confusion.

"Yeah, if you put a bunch of cats in a box, it doesn't matter if they love each other or get along, you put them all in a box together and fur is going to fly!" He leans over Jimin on the bed, close enough that Jimin can smell his toothpaste.

"That's a good analogy," Jimin nods. Taehyung leans in further and kisses him. The taste of toothpaste still clinging to his tongue.

"Let's get going, Minnie!" Taehyung says as he stands up and grabs his jacket Jimin peels himself off the bed and they make their way out of the house. Jimin pulls out his phone and begins to invite his neighbors to dinner.

At dinner Jimin watches the hybrids. Namjoon looks like a wounded puppy, always ready to attack when attention is on him. He's jealous, insecure, Jimin can see that. Hoseok is forcing a smile, forcing himself to laugh and trying not to wince from the pain in his ribs. Jungkook is clinging to Taehyung, not physically but he follows Tae, never more than 5 feet away.

Y/N looks ready to explode with frustration. Her long tail is constantly twitching and her fingers tap her glass incessantly. He watches her eyes slide from blind frustration to focused determination and he knows this family is going to be alright. Y/N is a good alpha and he knows that she has a unique ability to bring people together, to cut through the bullshit. They are going to be just fine. Shit will probably hit the fan first, but then they'll be fine.

Jimin isn't sure if he is going to survive though, he misses Yoongi! They are going to have a serious talk when these deadlines passed. He can't go weeks without spending quality time together, it is literally killing him. He blames his loneliness on his rash decisions. He had kissed Y/N, had almost kissed Jungkook but he wasn't telling anyone that, definitely not Y/N! If he had kissed Jungkook before she did, his life would basically be forfeit.

As it gets later, Y/N starts ushering her pack out the door. The three hybrids watch them pitifully as they go, all of them pleading to stay with their eyes, except for Y/N. She looks ready to take on the zombie apocalypse. Yeah, they're going to be ok.

As you walk back to your house after dinner, Hoseok clings to you.

"Y/N, just snuggling, that's all I'm asking for, no funny business." His arms snake around you and you purr into his hold.

"Not happening, fox," Namjoon says from behind, shutting the backdoor and locking it for the night. Hoseok jumps.

"Scared me Joonie!" Hoseok puts a hand to his heart and laughs nervously.

"It's Namjoon and we agreed that you sleep alone until the Breed is out of your system." His voice is cold and it puts you on edge, Hoseok too, you can feel him tense up.

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