Lotus Dojo

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Yoongi and Jungkook stare at the Lotus Dojo. It looks clean with big glass windows, antique wooden porch and siding.

"I like the outside," Jungkook comments, blinking at Yoongi and sticking out his tongue to lick his lips rapidly before tugging it back in.

"You tell me if you don't like anything, okay? Dead serious." Jungkook nods excitedly, "Let's go." Jungkook all but jumps up the stairs.

The inside is similar to the outside, a pleasant blend of modern and traditional. A group of young kids are in class in the far right corner and a smaller group of adults in the left corner. The back wall has large windows overlooking a little garden. Another group is out there doing what looks like Yoga.

Jungkook can point out a few hybrids, but mostly humans. Maybe hybrids were taking the classes with their owners?

Yoongi leaves Jungkook to study the dojo as he approaches the front desk to their right. A young woman greets him. Human, long hair pulled back in a ponytail. She is dressed in a teal gee, like the teachers.

"We have an appointment."

"Yoongi and Jungkook?" She asks politely and he nods. Jungkook comes up and grips his hand, sticking out his tongue and pulling it back in.

"Let me get Sensai Moon," The receptionist says brightly before turning away from them and taking a stairway to the second floor. The stairs go right above them and prevent them from following her progress.

"Is this place Japanese?" Yoongi mumbles, rubbing his thumb against Jungkook's. He can hear footsteps coming back down the stairs, the light footsteps of the receptionist, followed by a heavier set. She rounds the corner, followed closely by a large man. He is graying at the temples and is huge, taller and broader than Namjoon.

He comes up to them, a friendly smile on his face as he thanks the receptionist. The smile is natural, soft, like it comes naturally. He holds out his hand to Yoongi,

"I'm Sensai Moon," His voice is low. Yoongi takes his hand.

"Min Yoongi, this is Jungkook." After shaking Yoongi's hand, Sensai Moon holds out his hand to Jungkook who disentangles his fingers from Yoongi's and shakes the man's hand in surprise. It isn't common that a human shakes a hybrid's hand, especially a snake's.

"Welcome to Lotus Dojo, come with me," Sensai Moon beckons them to follow him, "We normally have two classes in here and then a classroom back here for bigger classes." The bigger room has long mirrors on one wall and just like the other room, full length windows make up the back wall and look over the same garden.

"Depending on what class you would like to start in, you could be in either room. Namjoon mentioned you're already taken some classes, is that right Jungkook?" His eyes are soft and welcoming as he looks towards Jungkook.

"Yeah, a bit," Jungkook says shyly, pressing closer into Yoongi, his free hand tapping nervously against his leg.

"The class going on right now is our intermediate class, would you like to join them for a few minutes?" Jungkook looks from Sensai Moon to Yoongi. Yoongi squeezes his hand and smiles encouragingly. Jungkook nods slowly.

"Perfect, follow me." He leads them back into the main room and towards the smaller adult group in the left corner. He whispers something to the teacher in the teal gee. Yoongi realizes with a start that the teacher is a rabbit hybrid. She nods to Sensai Moon and continues to teach the class. 

He waves Jungkook to follow him to the back of the class. He introduces Jungkook to a girl in the back and she bows politely, Jungkook bowing back. When she moves back into position, Jungkook mimics her. Yoongi notices the dusting of scales on this young woman, similar to Jungkook's, just a brown color. She's a snake hybrid.

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