A Day or Two Tops

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You finger the piece of paper, reading it thoroughly. A local artist searching for local hybrid artists. The flyer feels like a sign. The new projects you just started seem to fit perfectly into the parameters.

"It looks like you have enough for maybe two or three more drinks," Yoon smiles and leans against the counter.

"I'll have him come by and add some more... Yoon, what is this about?" You point to the flyer. She tips her head to the side.

"Oh! The artist is a friend of Soojun!" Soojun is her owner. "Do you know some hybrid artists?" She asks, tipping her head in your direction curiously.

"Yeah I do," You say with a smile and pick up the cardboard drink holder, "Thanks for these Yoon! And if Jin ever commandeers again, secretly make me a catnip tea!" Yoon giggles and nods.

Jin watches Y/N as she talks with the cashier. He can't help but think about the man at the park that had grabbed her. His smell on her made his blood boil. She probably hadn't noticed, but when he was throwing punches, he was trying to lighten the mood, but he was also trying to rub the man's scent off of her. She didn't need to be getting whiffs of him and remember his violation later.

"Does that happen a lot?" Jin asks Namjoon. Namjoon is actively scanning the area for threats. He glances at Jin before scanning again.

"It happens enough," He says flatly, "But it only happens when she's alone. Yoongi says he gets offers pretty often, offers for Jungkook too." Jin sighs and looks back at Y/N. She waves goodbye to the cat hybrid. The smile on her face is bright and beautiful, he wonders what they could have been talking about. As she comes near, he can still smell a faint whiff of the wolf and the man. By the time she gets home she's going to smell completely of Shiba Inu.

You set the drinks down and start to pull out the empty chair next to Jin. He quickly props his legs on top of it.

"Sorry, that seat is taken, this is the only one available!" He pats his lap and smirks. You give him an angry pout but climb into his lap again.

"So, which one is mine?" You ask, staring at the two shakes left after Namjoon takes his.

"Well, they're both mine, but you can hold one while I drink the other!"

"Yah! Jin, you are so mean to me!" His loud, unique laugh makes you laugh despite your irritation. He kisses your cheek.

"Take a sip of each and see which one you like better." You settle on the cinnamon crème, but every third sip is Jin's and he makes you take sips from his as well.

After your shakes, the three of you decide to go home. You take a moment to wave to Yoon again. She winks and waves back.

"She's pretty cute!" Jin says casually as you begin your walk home. A shot of jealousy runs through you. You glare at him, was he serious? Jin catches your glare, "What?" He grins. You look away pouting.

"You can't just go around saying other people's cats are cute!" You grumble. He wraps an arm around your shoulder and leans towards your ear.

"Cute is one thing, absolutely stunning is another," He whispers suggestively, and you shiver with pleasure at his words. Beside you Namjoon chuckles, he clearly heard your exchange, and you fight the blush that creeps to your face.

When you get home, Namjoon heads to work out. You and Jin head to his place. You bring a sketchbook to draw in while Jin plays video games. As soon as you sit on the couch though, a wave of tiredness overtakes you. 

"You should have let me sleep in Jin, we could have cuddled and everything!" You pout as you burrow underneath a blanket. Jin sits on the floor in front of the couch.

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