•Crazy in Love•

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G!p Billie- Dom
Jess- Sub

Blood+Knife play/kink
Billie's a mafia boss


"How much longer is this going to take? I wanna go home." My girlfriend whined to me seeing as how we had been out, or rather she had been out with me while I took care of some..loose ends so to speak.

"Not too much longer princess, just have to take care of this last guy."

"What did he do?"

"He tried to hustle me. Stole some of my money as if he could get away with it. So, I'm here to torture him." I say with a smile, pulling a knife out of my bag

"Can I watch?"

I look up to see a small smile on her face. I was a tad shocked but also pleased as I returned the smile.

"Sure. Come on."

We walked into the warehouse where a guy was sit strapped to a chair, a cloth wrapped around his mouth so he couldn't speak. Not like it would do anything we were in the middle of nowhere, the only ones who would hear him would be coyotes.

I saw him eye Jessie with a scared look as she stood a little to the side. I looked back at her and smiled.

"That's my girlfriend. Beautiful isn't she?"

When he caught sight of my knife his eyes widened and got all squirmy as he says some muffle pleas, trying to scoot away in his chair. I always found it funny when they tried to get away, it was kind of entertaining.

"Oh relax Mason." I say, pulling down the mouth cover. "This'll be over soon...after you tell me where my money is."

"I don't have it."

I sigh deeply. Let the fun begin.
"Did you know there are several arteries all over your body that if punctured can cause you to bleed out in minutes? If I sliced over one of those arteries how long do you think you could hold on?"

He gave no response so I tsk'd, taking the knife and pressing down into his right thigh as dragged it down to his knee while he screamed in pain.

"Where's my money Mason?" I ask again.

"I don't know!"

I sigh more dramatically, repeating what I did to his right thigh to his left thigh. Glancing at Jess to see her softly smiling in what I could only assume was admiration, or maybe lust, or delight. Hell maybe it was all three.

"C'mon Mason, I know you know where it is and I know you have it. So unless you want to die..you will tell me where my money is or I will make sure your death is slow, painful and full of agony and suffering."

"You won't kill me. Because then you'll never get your money." He says with a smirk, thinking he did something.

I smile at this, they always say shit like this completely oblivious of what I could do.

"Jessie baby could you be an angel and get my phone from my bag?" I ask, keeping my eyes on Mason.

Once I feel my phone in my hand I pull up a little family picture and show it to him.

"This your family? Yeah, see right now, I have my guys surrounding the perimeter of your house. One text, or one call, and my guys will be raiding your house like the fuckin cops raid parties. So if you want to return home to your wife and kids..alive. You are going to tell me where my fucking money is."

When we still said nothing I went to press the call button but he quickly surrendered.

"Wait, wait, wait!" He shouts, and I smile as I set my phone down. "Okay. It's in my storage unit." He says sadly, giving me the location and information to get into it.

𝑩𝒊𝒍𝒍𝒊𝒆 𝑩𝒐𝒔𝒔𝒂 𝑵𝒐𝒗𝒂- 𝑩.𝑬Where stories live. Discover now