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Fluff, beware lots of space talk :)

"Come on! Hurry up!" Jess dragged me outside my house as she plopped onto the ground with a giggle, bringing me down with her.

We laid in the grass looking up at the stars. Jessie loves the stars and anything astronomy relates.

I looked over at them as they held a bright smile her eyes flickering between the different patterns painted in the sky.

"Look, you can see the big dipper." They patted my arm and pointed to a place in the sky.

"Yeah. It's beautiful."

"Oh! And it's summer so we can see the Corona Borealis." She exclaimed.

"The what?" I asked as I let out a laugh.

"It's a constellation, look it's right...there. Oh and there's Sagittarius, your zodiac and if you look down a bit and to the right you can see Scorpius which is where my zodiac comes from."

I looked up at the sky trying my hardest to see what Jessie saw but all I could see was a bunch of dots. I even tried squinting my eyes.

"You don't see it do you?" She asked after a few moments of me squinting and contorting my head to try and see it.

"Uhh, no, sorry baby. I just don't see the stars like you do."

"It's okay. It's just nice to look at them. Did you know there's like billions of trillions of stars out there and we only see about a hundred thousand million of them in our Milky Way galaxy—which actually stretches like a hundred thousand light years across. And it's funny how there's billions of galaxies out there, with billions of planets and people think we are the only life form out there? I don't believe it. There's gotta be other forms of life. And one day I'm gonna find them."

My smile grew as she talked about her passion. Me not really having a clue what they're saying but still listening nonetheless.

"And did you know that with the distance from the earth and the moon we can fit every planet in our solar system with about 2,720 miles to spare! That's insane! And did you know that there's stars way bigger than our tiny little sun? For example like...Arcturus which is over 16,000 times larger in volume than our sun. And Alpha Scorpii A. is about 690 Million times larger in volume than our itty bitty sun and then! There's the star VY Canis Majoris which is about 2.9 BILLION times larger in volume than our sun!! AND THAT'S NOT EVEN THE BIGGEST ONE!!"

I laughed as they screamed more space facts at me or rather just in general. Though I never once got tired of hearing them.

"Oh! And that is nothing compared to the size of galaxies. You know our sun is about 1,400,00 kilometers wide which is big right? Well our Milky Way galaxy is approximately 100,00 LIGHT YEARS in diameter!!"

I didn't exactly know what "light years" measured but it had to be more than the normal measures.

"And you know our galaxy is actually kinda small compared to other galaxies? The IC 1011 is 6,000,000 light years wide. It's just crazy that there's probably thousands of galaxies out there, each one containing billions of stars and each single star orbited by its own planets and people don't think there could be other forms of life?! It blows my mind and-"

She looked over at me as I held the goofiest smile on my face.

"Did I ramble again?" She asked shyly.

"Mhm. It's alright though I don't mind baby. I love hearing you talk all science-ey."

"It's more like spacey but okay."

"Ohh whatever you know what I mean. I think it's adorable though baby. Plus I learn new things each time you do so it's like a win win situation."

She smiled as she crawled on top of me, laying her chin onto my chest.

"Sorry. I just really realize like astronomy."

"Don't be sorry babygirl I think it's great you have something you're passionate about. I love when you ramble about it it's the cutest thing ever I could listen to it all day."

"Thanks. I can't wait to be an astronomer when I grow up."

"I can't wait for you. Hey I love you? Okay. All of you."

"I love you too."

She scooted up in order to press her lips to mine. She got off of me, cuddling into my side as we spent the rest of the night stargazing.

She eventually fell asleep and I carried her back inside to my room and got her changed into one of my big shirts.

I laid down with her, leaving a kiss to her head as I pulled her into my side.

"I love you. My little astronomer."

I kissed her head once more and drifted off to sleep with her.

♡︎ ♡︎ ♡︎ ♡︎ ♡︎

A/N: Here's some fluff cause I kinda killed y'all with the last chapter :)


Stay beautiful, stay safe, stay hydrated

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