•Viagra Pt2•

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Billie- Dom
Jess- Sub
Roles are reversed 😎


"Baby, it's really not that big of a deal. It's not like she was coming onto me." Jess said as we drove home from a party.

We had ran into one of Jess's ex girlfriends who obviously doesn't understand the meaning of "she's taken."

"That's not the point Jess, did you not see how she was very obviously checking you out? She clearly still has feelings for you."

"Billie she literally has a girlfriend." She stated.

"That doesn't mean shit."

"God you are so dramatic. So someone checked me out? What's the big deal?" They crossed their arms and slumped down in the seat.

"Jess you know how possessive I am. You know I hate it when people flirt with what's mine and you sat there and let your ex of all people do just that. That's the 'big deal.'"

She didn't say anything else after that, continuing to stare out the window. It was silent the rest of the way home.

When we pulled into the driveway I put the car in park and sighed. Jess looked over at me with a confused look.

"I want you to go inside and kneel in front of my office door. Understand?"

"What? Why?" She whined, knowing she was about to be punished.

"Because someone needs to remember their place. No go and kneel, do you understand me?"

"Yes mommy." She said quietly as she got out of the car to do as told.

I waited a couple minutes before heading inside myself. I went straight to the kitchen looking in one of the cabinets for the viagra bottle. I don't use it on Jess that often, but this time I didn't just wanna punish her, I wanted to teach her a couple lessons.

I decided to be a little nice and just give her one pill. I poured a glass of water before calling her into the kitchen. Jess came and stood before as I held out the pill and the glass of water.


"Drink it. Or it'll be worse."
She sighed but downed the glass anyway. I took her hand walked us back to my office.

I told them to strip down into their underwear and she did so without hesitation.

"You're gonna kneel here next to me while I work. You don't complain, or whine and you don't touch yourself. Understood?"

"Yes ma'am."


~3 hours later~

I actually didn't have much work to do and easily could've gotten down in less than an hour. But I purposefully took longer cause I loved watching Jess try and control herself. At first she was fine but around 30 minutes in it started to take affect. They fidgeted around on their knees, balling their hands into fists and squeezing her thighs together to desperately try and relieve some of the tension. Her breathing was low and heavy and her cheeks were tinted a light pink.

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