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Fluff chapter
Jess- 19

lots of POV switches

unedited 🤙🏾


"Okay, honey make sure you have water, you know you have a tendency to faint sometimes."

"Yes mom, I know can I get out now? I wanna get a good spot in the pit."

"Okay, alright. I'll let you go. Be safe Jessie, I love you."

"I love you too, mom."

I grabbed my small bag and got out of the car as I rushed to get in line for Billie's concert. This would be my 4th time seeing her live and I feel like it gets more exciting each time. I always get pit tickets and try my best to get right up from so she can see me. We've made eye contact about 6 times all together since I've been to her shows.

As I was waiting in line scrolling on my phone I heard people screaming and looked up to see Billie driving by waving to us all.

I immediately started screaming and waved at her. As she drove by my section of the line she looked at me and I started screaming even louder. She lingered on me for a second before she smiled and waved at everyone else in line.

I wonder if she recognized me.


"Alright Bil, that's enough." Finneas said as we drove by the line of people waiting outside my show.

For the 3rd time.

"I wanna see her again." I say to him.

"We have to start getting ready. You'll see her inside, if she's in line then you know she has pit tickets."

"Yeah. Alright let's go." I pulled my head back inside as we drove around the back to go inside and get set up.

I hope that girl is in front. I'm dying to see her, she's been to all of my shows on this tour so far and she always gets pit and sits right in front. And she's so pretty I can't even imagine what she looks like up close.

We head inside and start to get set up for the show. I do my vocal warm ups and run through the set list in my head to make sure I don't mess up anything.

-Time skip-

"ATLANTA HOW WE FEELIN TONIGHT!!" I scream into the mic, smiling wide when I got the reaction from the crowd.

"Good, okay. So, for this next song I wanna ask if everyone can please put their lights up." Almost immediately the beautiful sight of a hundred flashlights fill my vision.

"Beautiful. That's beautiful guys, thank you. Okay, this is 'Everybody Dies.'"

I sit down on the stage as the music starts to play.

"Everybody dies, surprise, surprise. We tell each other lies, sometimes we try. To make it feel like we might be right. We might not be alone. Be alone."

As I open my eyes to scan the crowd my eyes land on her. She's smiling big and her smile only widens when we hold eye contact.

I smile in return and I see everyone around her freak out as she laughs.

I tear my eyes away to look at everyone else but keep note on where she is.


My face almost hurts from how hard i'm smiling right now. She looked at me, she fucking held eye contact with me.

Everyone around me was freaking out because she smiled at me. Even though this has happened before I couldn't stop the nervous pounding in my chest.

As the final few melodies of the song come to an end she looks around the crowd before she makes eye contact with me again and smiles.

𝑩𝒊𝒍𝒍𝒊𝒆 𝑩𝒐𝒔𝒔𝒂 𝑵𝒐𝒗𝒂- 𝑩.𝑬Where stories live. Discover now