Chapter 47

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Maybe a slight TW for cancer talk? This chapter is a lot more light hearted then the previous ones however.

As always, don't forget to vote and comment!
Thanks guys and hope you enjoy this update.

'Maddie?' A knock sounded on her bedroom door. 'Maddie, can I talk to you for a moment?'

'Yeah, sure Dad.' Maddie replied, glancing up from her music book as he walked in. 'I must have lost track of time, I didn't realize you'd gotten home.'

'Just pulled in.' 

'How was work?'

'Work was alright.' He came over to her desk where she was sitting and gave her a hug. 'How-how was your day?'

She smiled as he gave her cat a pat, Bubbles curled up asleep on her lap. 'Yeah, it was okay... Grampa took me down to the stables for a bit then I've been catching up on school work.' She glanced back down her music book, adding a couple words to finish the line of lyrics she'd been writing down then closed it up. 'You heard from Doc Williams?'

'I did.'

'What did he say?' She questioned as he pulled over a chair to take a seat beside her. 'Can I ride?'

'He's not recommending it.'

Maddie sighed heavily. 'I knew it... Guess that's it then.' She lent back in her chair, tears coming to her eyes. 'All that work for nothing...'

'Maddie.' Cordell said softly. 'Look at me.'

After a moment she turned to him, hoping that he didn't pick up on the fact she was falling apart. The only thing she really wanted to do was ride Dakota in the finals and now even that was going to be taken from her...

'I know how much you wanted to ride-'

'Just leave me alone Dad, okay?' She burst out, rising from her chair. 'Just go.' 

He sighed as Maddie flopped down on her bed, burying her face in her pillow. After a moment he stood up and went over to her, sitting down on the mattress beside her. He placed his hand on her shoulder, the girl freezing at his touch like she used to as her sobs were abruptly cut off. 'Maddie, if you let me finish what I was saying you would have heard that I was going to let you ride.'

Upon hearing that, Maddie rolled over slowly, looking up at him. 'What... what did you say?'

Cordell tucked a stray lock of hair back behind her ear. 'I said you can ride Dakota in the competition.'

She sniffled, wiping away tears she'd been wrestling to hold in all day. 'But... but you said the doctor didn't recommend it...'

'Yeah, yeah I did.'

'Then how does that mean I can ride?'

'It means that you are going to have to be very, very careful. Alright?' She nodded. 'Alright. Dry off those tears, I've got something to show you.'

Maddie did as she was told, drying off her cheeks as she followed him out of the room. Abeline was in the kitchen working on dinner, Bonham in the living room discussing something with Liam and Stella and August were at the kitchen table working on their homework. 'What is it?'

'You'll just have to wait and see...' He replied, motioning to the box on the table. 'It was supposed to be for your birthday but well... You're going to need it sooner.'

'My birthday is only a couple days away.' She chuckled softly as she looked at the wrapped gift. 'Hey, either of you two know what's in here?'

'Why don't you just open it?' Stella questioned. 'Then you'll find out.'

Walker: SecretsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang