Chapter 73

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Tuesday afternoon found Maddie back at the stables, waiting for Elizabeth's arrival after school. Mika was off doing her allocated work and she'd already taken Dakota for a short ride in the indoor arena while she waited for Elizabeth to get there. With nothing else to do to pass the time she scrolled mindlessly through Facebook, watching a couple videos here and there that came up on her page.

Finally, Elizabeth's car pulled into the parking lot. 'Sorry I'm late.' Elizabeth apologized as she stepped out of the car. 'Got caught up with some friends. I'm here now though.'

'That's alright.' Maddie assured her with a smile. 'No problem.'

Opening the door behind the driver's seat she pulled a bag out. 'I'll just head to the house to get changed. Meet you at the paddock?'

Maddie nodded, Elizabeth heading up the drive to the house as she started over to Diablo's paddock. The stallion, hearing someone coming over, lifted his head from his grazing to see who it was. A moment later he started towards her, walking calmly over to the fence to say hello.

As the stallion reached over the fence to sniff her, Maddie smiled, giving him a gentle pat on the forehead. 'Hey boy. How have you been?' He sniffed her gently, his whiskers tickling her cheek. 'Hey...'

She waited, Elizabeth finally arriving after a time.

'Got myself some new riding jeans.' Elizabeth remarked as she joined her at the fence, Diablo's halter and grooming kit in hand since she'd detoured through the barn on her way over. 'What do you think?'

'Those are nice. Where'd you get them?'

'Boot Barn across town, they had a sale on. I can see the appeal the western style has, these are so comfy.'

Maddie chuckled at that. Who would have thought the prim and proper Elizabeth would start dressing as a cowgirl? 'So, we gonna see you barrel racing any time soon?'

In answer to that question, Elizabeth just looked at her. 'I might start wearing western jeans and boots but no, I'm going to stick to English competing. Besides, I don't think my grandmother would be very impressed with me if I turned Diablo into a cow-pony.'

'No, no I don't think she would. Doesn't mean that you can't have a play around from time to time to break up his training though, horses thrive on variety. They need something different here and there.'

She nodded. 'Mika said something along those lines too.'

'I'm glad to hear you two seem to be getting along well.'

'Yeah-' Elizabeth offered Diablo a piece of carrot from her pocket. 'We-we're getting there. She's been great working with the two of us. I wasn't happy when you suggested I work with her but I'm thankful I did.'

Maddie smiled. 'I'm glad you two have worked things out.'

'Slowly. We might even be on the team together if Diablo and I can get back to competing. Do-do you think we might be able to compete again?'

'Honestly, I don't see why you guys can't. I mean, if you take it slow and easy and at his pace, don't push him, you should be able to.'

Elizabeth grinned at that, still rubbing Diablo's forehead as he munched away on his treat. 'Would be great to be able to get him ready for the fall season. We've missed out qualifying for the summer comps but do you think he'll be ready to compete this fall?'

'Maybe. It needs to be at his pace though. Don't push him. Returning to that level of training and competing is going to take time. You want to do this right.'

'Sure, of course I do. We don't need to run into those problems we had a couple months ago again, do we boy?' She chuckled as Diablo nudged her gently with his soft muzzle. 'Alright, so, what are we going to do today?'

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