Chapter 22

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'Easy girl...' Maddie spoke gently to Dakota as she showed the mare the saddle blanket, the mare eyeing it cautiously as she took a step back. 'You're okay girl... Nothing to be frightened of. See?'

It had been a few days since Liam had returned and with him being around to help out in the house, Maddie had been able to spend more time working with both her horses. Bel had progressed being ridden with both a saddle and bridle and while she still hadn't backed Dakota yet, that would be the next step in today's session.

Things had finally quietened down around the place and for the first time in over a month, Maddie felt like she could actually take a breath. While she had a feeling things weren't exactly great between her Dad and Uncle Liam, at least they were both trying to make amends and it was good having him home. His job though, well, from what she had heard he might have to look for something else to do in the not too distant future as his career as being the ADA was very much up in the air. 

Abeline too was almost back to her normal self after being bitten by that rattlesnake which was a huge relief. Slowly it felt like she was moving on from what had happened, having a good talk with both Abeline and August too since he had been there had definitely helped. With things settling down she could finally focus on what really mattered. Training her horses. 

Dakota settled down, eyeing the blanket closely and then Maddie slowly extended it out to her. 'Here, take a sniff. It won't hurt you.' Curiosity got the better of her as it usually did and so after a moment she reached out her muzzle to sniff it. Maddie let her take her time looking it over, the mustang taking a little nibble on it with her velvet lips and once she had finished, she took it away again.

Maddie repeated the action over and over until finally the mare didn't react to the saddle pad at all and when she had gotten to that stage, she decided that would be enough with that for the afternoon. Placing it back onto the fence she led the mustang over to the mounting block and began repeating the lessons she had already taught her during the week.

When she felt that the mare was ready she gently swung up onto her back, Dakota's head lifting as she felt a rider's weight for the first time. 'Good girl Dakota.' Maddie praised, running a hand firmly down her shoulder, the mare standing still. 'Good girl.'

Dakota stood quietly as she lingered a little longer on her back and then with another pat, she slid off again. 'There's my good girl.' She rubbed the mare's forehead, a smile on her face. 'Good girl. Well done.'

After letting her have a break for a moment she remounted again, practicing it a few times from the near side and then from the off side. Dakota stood quietly, completely unfazed by what she was doing and when she had decided they had done enough for the lesson, she finished by sliding back off the mare's rump. As she had expected from reading her whorl, Dakota was proving to be a lot quieter and easier to train then Bel at this stage.

Maddie turned the mare loose once she had finished and gave her food and water then headed for Bel's pasture. At her whistle Bel came from across the paddock to meet her, the teen giving her a treat as she haltered her.

'How's it going kiddo?'

'Good.' Maddie smiled as Liam walked over to the fence. 'Just finished with Dakota for the day and now I am going to start on Bel.' She gave the mare a pat then looked back at him. 'What are your plans for the rest of the afternoon?'

Liam shrugged, resting his arms on the top rail of the fence. 'I haven't got anything planned. Why? You have something in mind?'

'A game of hide and seek?'

He raised an eyebrow. 'Come again?'

Maddie chuckled. 'I've been training Bel to find people, like the search and rescue horses they've been trying out in Maine. August has been helping me but I'd love to see how she will go with finding someone new. Would you want to help me?'

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