Chapter 23

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It didn't take long after hearing that Captain James had been shot for the Walker family to be on their way to the hospital. As they drove in, Liam in the front passenger seat and Maddie in the backseat with Stella and August, Maddie stared out the window into the night. The only thing they knew so far about how the Captain was doing was from Trey and that had only been that he'd been shot and they'd not long arrived at Emergency.

Cordell was on the phone to Headquarters getting the information about the shooting as they drove into Austin and after finding a parking spot, they all headed into the hospital. Bonham and Abeline were already waiting for them just inside the entrance and Cordell got back on the phone to Trey to find out where he was.

Trey was pacing up and down the corridor of one of the waiting rooms as the Walker family came around the corner, Cordell being the first to meet him. 'Trey. Hey. Is he-is he-'

'Hey. No, no, no.' Trey replied to Cordell motioning to a closed door. 'I haven't heard anything just yet. I know they just rushed him into surgery but that's- that's about it.'

'His son-his son called Stella.'

'Yeah, yeah I know. I-I got his family info from Connie and I reached out.'

'Are you okay?' Bonham questioned, dried blood covering the front of his shirt.

'Yeah... Yeah, no, no, no. I'm fine. I'm good. I-I didn't get hit.' He said then turned back to Cordell. 'But this whole thing just happened so fast.'

'W-what the hell happened?' Was Cordell's next question.

'Trooper Jackson here.' The policewoman standing just off to the side interrupted. 'I responded to the scene and was set to watch over Trey Barnett before the incident.'

Cordell nodded, having already gotten that information from Headquarters. 'Yeah. HQ updated me. We have any news?'

'From what little your Captain gave us and Mr. Barnett's account, we're not currently able to discern motive and target.' She reported. 'Didn't get an ID and no one saw the license plates.'

As he was about to reply, a door opened behind them and a woman doctor came out to speak with them. 'Doc.'

'Is he okay?' Stella asked, that question being on everyone's mind.

'The family asked that I update you all. Thankfully the bullets bypassed any major organs and arteries. He'll be out for a few more hours, but I'm positive about his prognosis. As soon as he's in a room I'll have someone come get you.'

'Thank you.' Bonham remarked as the doctor left the room.

'Yeah, thanks.' Cordell added, the rest of the family going to sit in one of the many chairs in the waiting room. 

'Hey, Walker.' 

Maddie glanced over at Cordell and Trey as she took a seat, Trey holding up something to her father. After a moment she realized it was Larry's badge. The Captain star.

'Thought you might want this.'

It took a couple seconds to register what that meant, Maddie realizing that her father was going to have to take Larry's place as the Captain of the Rangers for the foreseeable future. Her father was going to be the one in charge... The look of apprehension on his face didn't escape her notice and she could see him hesitating. 

A lot of responsibility that had just been placed onto his shoulders with that badge. 

Cordell looked at the badge for a moment before taking it and nodded his appreciation, not trusting himself to speak. Trey clapped him on the shoulder as he walked past and he took a moment to compose himself before he turned back to his family. 

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