Chapter 65

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Nice, very long chapter 🤣



Cordell was right when he had said to Geri that it would take Maddie a few days to get over the long Saturday that she'd had, for the next few days all she could do was eat and sleep. If they all were honest with themselves, they were a little worried with how she was after the party but when Cordell got in touch with her doctors they told him it was only to be expected, granted the way Maddie had been pushing herself. It was her body's way of forcing her to rest, rest being all she could manage in her current condition. 

With Bonham and Abeline still away, Liam had taken over being Maddie's primary caretaker during the day, Stella and Geri helping her attend things of the nature that Maddie would prefer the men not to. Each morning after either Stella or Geri had dressed her he would carry her downstairs to the living room where he'd set up his temporary office. While he worked he could keep an eye on her and most of the time she spent sleeping anyway on the couch, her cat curled up close beside her. 

Mika came to see her Monday afternoon, Maddie falling asleep halfway through their visit. Liam assured her that he'd keep her posted on how Maddie was doing and she offered to help anyway she could. Elizabeth had been trying to get in touch with Maddie to give her an update on Diablo and when Mika mentioned that to him, Liam agreed to get in touch with her and keep her in the loop. 

Jenny brought Rose by Wednesday morning before school, Maddie feeling a little better and this time didn't fall asleep while her visitors were present. They had brought the rabbits with them too, much to Liam's annoyance but he couldn't argue that they were indeed cute and it was heartening to see Maddie smiling and laughing after the rough couple days she'd had. After they left though, Maddie slept straight through lunch, even that excitement being too much for her in her weakened condition. 

Stella and August confided in Cordell Thursday afternoon that they were really worried about their sister, Cordell trying his best to reassure them that she was okay. If he was being honest, despite the doctors telling him it was normal, he too was worried about how she was. Even back after the Ranger's fair she hadn't been nearly as bad. She had definitely overdone it big time and now she was dealing with the resulting consequences. 

When Bonham and Abeline heard about Maddie they wanted to cut their holiday short and return home but Cordell wouldn't hear a word of it. There was nothing they could do anyway if they did return home early since they were already looking after Maddie and though it took a little while to convince them, they agreed to stay on their holiday. Maddie was relieved to hear that too, not wanting them to cut their holiday short on her account. 

It was Friday before Maddie was feeling well enough to be up and around though she knew to still take things easy. With Liam's help she cooked dinner that night as a surprise for her Dad and siblings, Geri having been invited along to join them for the meal. They all cleaned up for her after dinner and once the kitchen duties had been finished, Maddie suggested that they play a couple board games. 

To everyone's amusement, Maddie beat Cordell at chess for three rounds. 

Maddie was finally beginning to get back on her feet.


Saturday morning came around again, it being a week now since the party. Bonham and Abeline still wouldn't be home for a few days and both Stella and August had organized to spend the day out with some friends. Maddie, being sick of being confined to the house any longer, had asked Geri to come by and take her out for the day to the stables, something she was definitely looking forward to.

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