Chapter 71

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Yes, update time again.

Honestly not sure when I'm gonna post again, I've got the last couple chapters in varying stages of completion but I've been really really struggling the past week with anxiety/mental stuff. I'm going through medication withdrawals atm and it's just messing with my head so bad 😭 feel on edge all the time, jump at the slightest noise, can't sleep etc.

Fun times.

At least I can write what Maddie goes through accurately 🙄 This past week has been hell for me.

Anyway, enough about me. I could really do with some encouragement so drop a vote and a comment or two 😊



As the big 'D' on the gates ahead came into view, Maddie inconspicuously took a deep breath to settle her nerves. What could go wrong at this dinner? Apart from another argument beginning between her family and the Davidson's. Shifting the casserole dish on her lap she rested her head against the window as they drove up the drive, looking out across the paddocks at the grazing cattle and horses.

This had been home.

It was hard seeing another family living in their home.

Harder too, knowing that it was her fault why they had to leave in the first palace.

Or had it been?

While she had been recuperating from her and Colton's little miss-adventure during the week she'd had plenty of time on her hands to do some thorough and deep thinking. If she remembered correctly, she had thought she'd heard someone outside the tack room the night before the race. Was it just a coincidence that Chopper came down sick or that the billet (the shorter leather strap that the cinch was connected to) had given out? 

After giving it some careful consideration she had come to the conclusion that neither of them were just unfortunate coincidences.

The Davidson's had to have cheated.

The question that remained was how to prove it.

And why.

Why would they have cheated?

Of course they knew that cheating wasn't beneath them, even her Grandmother had cautioned her to be careful during the race, but for them to have actually gone ahead and cheated... The thought of it angered her.

She could have been killed during that race.

Not that she had told anyone that, of course.

Her family had enough already to deal with without adding on the extra burden of guilt knowing she had almost died trying to hold onto their home.

The truck was brought to a stop, Maddie jolted from her pondering as her grandparents climbed out of the vehicle. Liam's car came to a stop beside theirs, her two siblings getting out as Bonham organized her chair for her. Abeline came to collect the casserole she had been holding, Bonham giving Maddie a hand to get into her chair.

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